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Secondary Mathematics Leadership Meeting October 23, 2014 Google: HISD Secondary Math Wiki or access:

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Mathematics Leadership Meeting October 23, 2014 Google: HISD Secondary Math Wiki or access:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Mathematics Leadership Meeting October 23, 2014 Google: HISD Secondary Math Wiki or access:

2 AGENDA  Announcements  STAAR Special Education Updates  Assessment Review  Algebra I  Breakout Sessions  Middle School – Library  High School – Room 110  Evaluations and Door Prizes

3 ANNOUNCEMENTS  What test do I take?  Grades 3 – 8: take on-level STAAR  EXCEPTION: Algebra I students must take Algebra I STAAR EOC  Double testing? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best  Grade 7 Pre-AP: must follow S&S for this course  S&S purposefully omits a few Math 8 standards  If students are taught all of Math 8, then, by law, they must take Math 8 STAAR  Grades 9 – 12: Algebra I STAAR EOC required for graduation

4 ANNOUNCEMENTS  Who uses graphing calculators?  All Algebra I and Math 8 students MUST use graphing calculators on STAAR  Include their use as a tool (not as a substitute for deep thinking) in daily instruction  Grade 7 Pre-AP  Will NOT use graphing calculators on Math 7 STAAR  Include their use as a tool (not as a substitute for deep thinking) in daily instruction  Grade 6 and 7  Include their use as a tool (not as a substitute for deep thinking) in daily instruction

5 ANNOUNCEMENTS  Snapshot and DLA: Blueprints/Outlines, Interventions, and Student Self-Analysis  Blueprints: Google “HISD Curriculum”; look on the LH side for “Snapshots and District-Level Assessment Resources”  Intervention Documents and Student Self-Analysis: eLearn and HUB: Course>>District Assessments>>Snapshots>>

6 STAAR Accommodated An Overview Presenters: P. Granger (713) 556-8812 E. Hatcher (713) 556-9856 Special Education Curriculum Specialists

7 ASSESSED CURRICULUM  STAAR A is an accommodated online version of STAAR for students who meet eligibility requirements. STAAR A will be administered for the first time in spring 2015. 7

8 FEATURES  STAAR A will be administered online and will include online tools, embedded accommodations to selections and test questions, and accessibility features. 8

9 STAAR vs. STAAR A 9 Texas Education Agency – Student Assessment Division

10 STAAR vs. STAAR A 10 Texas Education Agency – Student Assessment Division


12 TEST RESULTS Texas Education Agency – Student Assessment Division 12

13 RESOURCES  TEA recommends that teachers become familiar with STAAR A and help guide students through practice selections and test questions until they are comfortable with the STAAR A online testing interface and accommodations. (  Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate  Demonstration video for teachers and test administrators  Sample selections and test questions  Student tutorials with practice selections and test questions  Student tutorial administration directions  STAAR A Accommodation Guidelines  STAAR A Eligibility Requirements (English and Spanish)  Introduction to STAAR A: A Guide for Parents  A Parent’s Guide to State Assessments for Students with Disabilities Texas Education Agency – Student Assessment Division 13

14 STAAR Performance Standards Algebra I  2014 – 2015: Current phase-in 1 performance standards  2015 – 2016: Phase-in 2 performance standards implemented  2018 – 2019: Phase-in 3 performance standards implemented  2021 – 2022: Final recommended performance standards implemented

15 New Assessed Curriculum – Algebra I Current Reporting CategoryNew Reporting Category Functional RelationshipsBroken Out Number and Algebraic Methods Properties & AttributesRenamed Describing and Graphing Linear Functions, Equations, and Inequalities Linear FunctionsReorganized Writing and Solving Linear Functions, Equations, and Inequalities Linear EquationsReorganized Quadratic Functions and Equations Quadratic and Other Non- linear Functions Split into two Exponential Functions and Equations

16 New Assessed Curriculum – Algebra I  STAAR tests 100% (49/49) of the content student expectations.  33% (16/49) of the assessed student expectations are readiness standards.  Currently, 33% (13/39)  54 total questions

17 New Assessed Curriculum – Algebra I  Process Standards  Multiple process skills will be incorporated into each STAAR math question  New Reference Material  Side-by-Side TEKS Comparison Charts Side-by-Side TEKS Comparison Charts

18 ALGEBRA I – Reference Material

19 Algebra I – Reference Material

20 STAAR Spring 2014 Results Algebra I EOC  Passing Rate  State –  81% (current phase-in 1)  60% (if phase-in 2)  39% (if recommended)  District – 75% (current phase-in 1)

21 Algebra I  Resources  EOC Intervention Documents (planning guides and assessments)  Teaching outlines (Snapshots)  New TEKS (TEKS Transition – within planning guides)

22 Algebra I – Low Performing SEs  Ⓡ ALGI.8B Solve systems of linear equations using concrete models, graphs, tables, and algebraic methods (substitution and elimination).  Ⓡ ALGI.10A Solve quadratic equations in applied settings using concrete models, tables, graphs, and algebraic methods including factoring and the quadratic formula.

23 Door Prizes & Break

24 BREAKOUT SESSIONS  Middle School  Library  High School  Room 110

25 Middle School Breakout Session

26 TEKS Anticipation Guide Before Statement After TrueFalseTrueFalse The knowledge and skills statements are tested on STAAR. The process standards are different for each grade level. The process standards are more specific. Personal financial literacy will be tested on STAAR. There are new STAAR Reference Materials. The reporting categories have changed. STAAR griddable items have a positive and negative bubble. The current STAAR performance standard is phase-in 1. Tested SEs are unknown. In grade 8, calculators should be used during testing only.

27 Resources



30 STAAR Performance Standards Grades 6 – 8  2014 – 2015: Current phase-in 1 performance standards  2015 – 2016: Phase-in 2 performance standards implemented  2018 – 2019: Phase-in 3 performance standards implemented  2021 – 2022: Final recommended performance standards implemented

31 New to STAAR Mathematics  New assessed curriculum documents  New blueprints  New reference materials  New griddable question documents  New process codes documents  New calculator policy

32 STAAR Mathematics Updates  Fewer Categories 5 to 4  Reorganized to create new reporting categories 1. Numerical Representation and Relationships (G7 Probability & Numerical Representations) 2. Computations and Algebraic Relationships 3. Geometry and Measurement 4. Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy

33 New Assessed Curriculum  Grade 6 – 98% (51/52) Assessed Standards;  16/51 Readiness (31%)  Grade 7 – 88% (38/43) Assessed Standards;  13/38 Readiness (34%)  Grade 8 – 89% (40/45) Assessed Standards;  13/40 Readiness (33%)

34 New Reference Materials Grade 6  Formulas moved to front page  Formulas for circle deleted Grade 7  Formulas moved to front page  Added algebraic & financial info Grade 8  Formulas moved to front page  Added algebraic & financial info  Deleted the ruler  Deleted conversion

35 New Griddable Questions  4 griddables on each test  Added the positive and negative sign

36 New Method to Report Process Skills  The seven process standards are identical in grades 6 – 12 and are included in the knowledge statement in the TEKS.  Multiple process skills will be incorporated in STAAR mathematics questions.

37 Q & A Session

38 Sources  Texas Education Agency   Harris County Department of Education 

39  Dr. Monica Kendall, Curriculum Manager   Katrina Cushenberry, Mathematics Specialist   Princess Granger, Special Ed Program Specialist   Beverly A. Smith, Mathematics Specialist   Shirley Ward, Mathematics Specialist 

40 High School Breakout Session

41 High School New TEKS - Geometry  Process Standards  “Proof and Congruence: The student uses the process skills with deductive reasoning to prove and apply theorems by utilizing a variety of methods such as coordinate, transformational, axiomatic and formats such as two-column, paragraph, flow chart.”  More defined constructions  Rigid and non-rigid transformations  Circles  Probability  Side-by-Side TEKS Comparison Charts Side-by-Side TEKS Comparison Charts

42 High School New TEKS – Algebra II  Process Standards  Linear functions in Algebra I  Majority of expectations for quadratic functions in Algebra I  Cube and cube root functions  Conic sections moved to Precalculus  Polynomial functions  Side-by-Side TEKS Comparison Charts Side-by-Side TEKS Comparison Charts

43 High School New TEKS  Side by side for MMA, AQR, and Precalculus coming soon  New Course: Discrete Mathematics for Problem SolvingDiscrete Mathematics for Problem Solving  New Course: Algebraic Reasoning – SEs in development  New Course: Statistics – SEs in development

44 Proclamation 2015 – High School Instructional Materials  Algebra I  Algebra II  Geometry  Precalculus  MMA  AQR CTE  Engineering Mathematics  Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources  Statistics and Risk Management  Robotics Programming and Design

45 Proclamation 2015 – Instructional Materials  November 7, 2014 – Big Showcase  A process for review will soon be announced  Review will be conducted digitally  All digital – Publishers are being asked not to leave hard copies so the impression will not be that hard copies will be available

46 Curriculum Revisions  All high school revisions to documents will begin in the spring – teacher input needed  Syllabus  Pacing Calendars  Scope and Sequence  Outlines for new courses

47 Additional Resources  Online College and Career Readiness Resource Center (OCCRRC) – free resource to support for “First-in-Family College Attenders” and professional development (the site does not have resources for CPM) Online College and Career Readiness Resource Center (OCCRRC)  TEA Graduation Toolkit TEA Graduation Toolkit  iTunes U – Kid2Kid Videos iTunes U – Kid2Kid Videos


49 NCTM RegionalsNCTM Regionals: GRB November 19-21, 2014

50 CAMTCAMT – June 24-26, 2015 Houston GRB

51 EVALUATIONS AND CLOSURE  Parking lot  Evaluations

52  Dr. Monica Kendall, Curriculum Manager   Katrina Cushenberry, Mathematics Specialist   Princess Granger, Special Ed Program Specialist   Beverly A. Smith, Mathematics Specialist   Shirley Ward, Mathematics Specialist 

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