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Adverse Weather Policy Updates January 2015. Agenda Reason for the Policy Change Adverse Weather Policy Questions Contact Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Adverse Weather Policy Updates January 2015. Agenda Reason for the Policy Change Adverse Weather Policy Questions Contact Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adverse Weather Policy Updates January 2015

2 Agenda Reason for the Policy Change Adverse Weather Policy Questions Contact Information

3 Adverse Weather & Emergency Closing Policy Reason for Policy Change: To provide clarification on the interpretation and application of the “Adverse Weather and Emergency Closings Policy  Specifically as they relate to winter storms involving accumulation of snow and ice Increased number of inquiries from:  Agency and university HR Staff  State employees/supervisors Governor McCrory asked OSHR to research policies of other States and other employers in North Carolina  Goal: To ensure the State “Adverse Weather and Emergency Closings Policy” is comparable in employee expectations for reporting to work and ensuring the delivery of services to citizens and businesses continue during times of adverse weather conditions

4 Policy Changes The policy is being separated into two separate policies: (1)Adverse Weather and (2)Emergency Closing

5 Adverse Weather Policy The State of North Carolina does not CLOSE due to adverse weather conditions References to adverse weather “closures” has been removed from the policy and replaced with “suspension of non-mandatory operations” The university does not, as a matter of general practice, suspend non-mandatory operations or cancel classes in Cullowhee because of adverse weather conditions.

6 Adverse Weather Policy The Adverse Weather Policy: Establishes guidelines for accounting for time and for releasing non-mandatory employees from work when Adverse Weather conditions: Prohibit or adversely impact an employee’s ability to report to work or remain at work, or Necessitate the suspension of non-mandatory operations.

7 Adverse Weather Policy “Adverse Weather Conditions” defined: When the National Weather Service issues severe weather WARNINGS for weather conditions that may adversely impact an employee’s commute to and from work or may adversely impact the University’s ability to continue to provide non- mandatory operations to clients, customers, patients, students or the general public.

8 Adverse Weather Policy The following definitions were added to the policy: “Mandatory Operations” “Mandatory Employee” “Non-Mandatory Operations” “Non-Mandatory Employee”

9 Adverse Weather Policy Clarification was added to the policy to include decisions related to “suspension of non-mandatory operations” – Should only apply to operations in the geographic areas directly impacted by the adverse weather conditions. Severe weather warnings are issued by County – Suspensions should only include operations in the designated counties

10 Adverse Weather Policy Landlords do not make the decision to suspend operations due to adverse weather travel conditions Rental agreements should be reviewed by University Legal Counsel to ensure it is clear that the landlord should not close the building due to adverse weather travel conditions

11 Adverse Weather Policy Declaration of a “State of Emergency” does not impact the Chancellor’s authority and responsibility for making decisions related to agency operations during adverse weather conditions

12 Adverse Weather Policy Adverse Weather Work Expectations during “State of Emergency:” Mandatory employees shall report to work Non-mandatory employees are strongly encouraged to not travel unless it is an emergency and will be expected to account for time not worked

13 Adverse Weather Policy Requires employees who are absent due to Adverse Weather conditions to use accrued compensatory time to account for lost time from work – If there is no accrued compensatory time then the employee will have a choice of using vacation leave, bonus leave or leave without pay Comp time includes: – Holiday – Overtime – Gap Hours – Callback – On-call – Travel – Emergency Closing Comp Time

14 Adverse Weather Policy Adverse Weather make-up time is not an employee entitlement No longer an employee option solely based on the employee’s desire to not use paid leave or LWOP Must be approved by the supervisor Must be an operational need for Adverse Weather make- up work No option for make-up time if employee has compensatory time accrued Employees on pre-approved leave must charge leave to the appropriate leave account with no provision for make-up

15 Adverse Weather Policy Make-Up Provisions: Supervisor schedules make-up time Schedule in same period if possible but no later than 90 days from Adverse Weather occurrence Overtime may be scheduled for make-up if there is a bona-fide business need for overtime All additional hours worked shall go toward resolving any Adverse Weather liabilities prior to accrual of compensatory time

16 Adverse Weather Policy Make-Up Provisions: Management and employees shall cooperate in making reasonable efforts to arrange schedules and identify operational needs for overtime – Enable an employee the opportunity to make-up time not worked rather than charging it to vacation/bonus leave or leave without pay Employee is expected to report to work and perform make-up work as scheduled

17 Adverse Weather Policy Make-Up Provisions: Expired Adverse Weather liabilities shall be automatically deducted from accrued vacation/bonus leave If insufficient vacation/bonus leave, then remainder of the Adverse Weather liability shall be deducted from the next paycheck

18 Adverse Weather Policy Make-Up Provisions: Adverse Weather liability must be resolved through use of paid leave prior to an employee… – Beginning an extended leave of absence – Transferring to another State agency – Separating from employment – If insufficient accrued leave, then liability shall be deducted from last paycheck

19 Adverse Weather Policy University Responsibilities: Pre-determine mandatory and non-mandatory operations Mandatory employees – communicate designation in writing including expectation for reporting to work and consequences (disciplinary action) for not reporting Non-Mandatory employee – communicate designation including their options for reporting to work and accounting for lost time from work Develop procedures for notifying employees when adverse weather conditions are in effect. Develop a plan for communicating “suspension of non-mandatory services” to the public and employees during adverse weather conditions.

20 Adverse Weather Policy Q Q A A

21 For additional information or follow-up questions contact: Anne Banks 828 227-7218

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