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Presentation on theme: "“PCB” -AMIT NIKAM -ASHI NAGARIYA."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONTENTS What is a PCB? Materials of a PCB Parts of a PCB 1.Components
2. Pads 3. Traces 4. Layers 5. Jumper 6. Solder Mask 7. Silk screen Multilayer PCB Advantages Disadvantages Uses References

3 What is a PCB? Printed Circuit Board
Electronic Board that connects circuit components PCB is populated with electronic components PCBs are rugged, inexpensive, and can be highly reliable Mass manufacturing

4 MATERIALS OF PCB Conducting layers are typically made of thin copper foil. The board is typically coated with a solder mask that is green in color. Other colors that are normally available are blue and red. Unwanted copper is removed from the substrate after etching leaving only the desired copper traces or pathways

5 PARTS OF A PCB Components Pads Traces Layers Jumper Solder Mask
Silk screen

6 COMPONENTS Components are the actual devices used in the circuit.
This includes input/output connections. I/O ports, including power supply connections, are also important in the PCB design.

7 PADS Location that components connect to.
You will solder components to the pads on the PCB. Pads will connect to traces. Pads have an inner diameter and outer diameter.

8 TRACES Traces connect pads together.
Traces are essentially the wiring of the PCB. Equivalent to wire for conducting signals High current traces should be wide Signal traces usually narrower than power or ground traces.


10 LAYERS Two layers- TOP and BOTTOM
Most of the components reside on the top layer Fewer traces on the top layer Components are soldered to the pads on the top layer of PCB Higher circuit densities Most soldering done on bottom layer

11 JUMPERS Often, many signal wires need to exist in too small of a space and must overlap. Running traces on different PCB layers is an option. Multilayer PCBs are often expensive. Solution: use jumpers

12 SOLDER MASK Protect copper traces on outer layers from corrosion
Areas that shouldn't be soldered may be covered with polymer resist solder mask coating Designed to keep solder only in certain areas Prevents solder form binding between conductors and thereby creating short circuits


14 SILK SCREEN Printing on the solder mask to designate component locations Readable information about component part numbers and placement. Helpful in assembling, testing and servicing the circuit board

15 MULTILAYER PCBS More then a top and bottom layer.
Typically there will be a power plane, ground plane, top layer, and bottom layer. Sometimes signal layers are added as needed.


17 ADVANTAGES Small Compact Contained in a convenient, rugged board
The circuit board fabrication cost (pcb cost) is lower with mass  quantity production. Electronic circuit characteristics are maintained with a proper circuit board design.  Component wiring and assembly can be mechanized in a circuit  board manufacturing facility.  PCB’s offer uniformity of electrical characteristics from assembly to  assembly.  The location of electronic parts is fixed and so it simplifies  components identification and maintenance of equipment.  Inspection time is reduced because printed circuitry eliminates the  probability of error.  Chances of wrongly wiring or short-circuited wiring are minimized. 

18 DISADVANTAGES Very hard to get repaired if it gets damaged.
 Re designing is required for the new type of circuit operation.  Very hard to get repaired if it gets damaged. We can not update it , once printed.  Etching of this PCB generates chemicals which are the harmful for the environment..... 

19 USES Industrial PCB Manufacturing
Some examples of PCBs that Tabtronics has manufactured for industrial use include: Controls for ultrasonic technologies Flex circuits with piezoelectric transducers Field controls for water treatment systems Process thickness measurement control

20 Medical PCB Manufacturing
Some examples of PCBs that Tabtronics has manufactured for medical use include: Dosimeter product assembly 2-axis body movement tracking device used by doctors and researchers Eye measurement product with    remote transmitter and receiver Hospital inventory control devices

A Practical Guide to high-speed printed circuit board layout


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