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pages 34-39  civilizations: groups of __________ who have a complex and organized __________ within a culture  civilizations have their own _____________,

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2 pages 34-39

3  civilizations: groups of __________ who have a complex and organized __________ within a culture  civilizations have their own _____________, food supply, social _____________, government, religion, and technology.

4  land between _____________ and __________________ Rivers  because it was between two rivers, the land was very fertile (it had rich ______________)  fertile soil was good for ________________  “______________________” = land between two rivers


6  summers: hot and _______  _______ for farming  winters: unpredictable rainfall  caused rivers to ___________  they needed a method to control the rainfall  ________________ systems helped manage when and how much __________ got to their crops

7  problem solvers  problem: lack of a reliable _____________source: made _______________ difficult  solution: _______________ systems  problem: lack of trees/stones made ________________ difficult  solution: used reeds to build huts and sun dried mud ______________ to build homes, temples and palaces

8  EQ: What was one problem solved by the people of Mesopotamia?  farmers  most people wanted to work on a farm  made better farming ___________  ____________ their goods on the _________  extra food = _____________ = rise of civilization

9  city-states  a city that is an _________________ unit, complete with its own form of government  surplus of food led to division of _____________ (artisans, potters) would be paid with __________  traders  traded for goods that Mesopotamians ______  means of transportation: large wooden ________  contact with others spread their ____________

10 pages 40-46

11  two ______-__________ of Mesopotamia  different languages- ____________ and ________________  Uruk  city-state of ________________  used _____________ as source of water  mudbrick wall surrounded Uruk for ___________  ___________-temple made of stacked rectangular platforms, wanted to link them to ____________

12  _________________- worship of many gods  divine ______________- power of the king was given by the gods  believed that the happiness of their gods determined their outcomes on Earth- burned incense, provided food and _____________  had a class system headed by the _________  R: Sumerian  A: gods  F: prayer  T: how is life on Earth, am I thanking you or asking you a favor?

13  cuneiform  wedge-shaped ___________  ______________ made by pressing reeds into a wet clay tablet  writing system was developed to keep track of business activities - ___________ of goods  medical texts, law codes, ____________  Epic of Gilgamesh


15  Sargon the _______  Akkadian ruler  formed the worlds first ____________- which stretched from “sunrise to sunset”  appointed his daughter as high priestess  set up the first ___________- rule passed down through the ____________

16  Ziggurat of Ur- one of the largest ziggurats ever built  contributions: cuneiform and the __________

17 pages 48-53

18  Hammurabi  king of ___________________  clever leader  sent officials throughout his large empire to carry out his __________ and to collect __________  tax money used for construction projects and ______________

19  capital of Babylon- center of ___________ and ____________  advancements in math, literature and ________  Code of Hammurabi  consisted of 282 strict _________ for his empire  “an eye for an _______, tooth for a __________”  one of the most complete law codes of ancient times  first ____________ code of law  protected the __________ class  however, punishments were based on _______ status

20  R: Mr. R  A: 6 th grade class  F: code of laws  T: one good law for our class

21  group of people who lived in northern ______________  war-faring people (unlike the ____________)  innovation: wheeled battering _________

22  Ashurbanipal  King during the most _____________ time  personally led his troops to battle  educated man- read/write Sumerian and Akkadian  Library at Nineveh  collected _____________, Sumerian and Akkadian writings  literature, _________, mathematics and astronomy

23  Babylon, under ______________________II, grew to a powerful nation  Nebuchadnezzar II (Lil’ Neezy)  _________ of Babylon who took over much of the Assyrian empire  finished _____________  built the _______________ Gardens  built walls to protect the great ____________

24  advancements in math- place values and astronomy- eclipses  wealthy __________ city  after Nebuchadnezzar died, conquered by ____________, end of the Babylonian Empire

25 pages 54-59

26  Abraham- founder of ______________  Hebrews forced into __________ in Egypt  __________ led the exodus of Egypt to freedom  Ten Commandments  Hebrew ______ code  guidelines for moral ______________  provided guidance for the ___________ of God  unlike Code of ______________- strict laws with harsh punishments as opposed to brief guidelines with no social distinctions

27  Torah: “to ________”  first _____ books of the __________  it is against Jewish law to touch the ____________, so therefore there are scrolls and a pointer  contains ________ codes and historical events and stories

28  Deborah  Hebrew ________- used in times of trouble  predicted that women would win war against the _____________  women had ______ power  Deborah was right, woman (Jael) won the war for the ____________

29  The Kingdom of Israel  _________ tribes founded by King ___________  Solomon- David’s son built temple to house ___________  death of _______________ broke up into two parts- Israel (N) and Judah (S)

30  still read the _________  gather in ________________  festival of ____________- honors escape of Hebrews from Egypt

31  Phoenicians  positive relations with ____________  used the ___________________ Sea for trade  trade promoted exchange of goods and ideas  contribution: modern __________, fewer and simpler ___________ which stood for consonants  Lydians  contribution: first to make ______________, made trading easier

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