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Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING.

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Presentation on theme: "Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Survey conducted March 18 – 22, 2010 by Ipsos Public Affairs 1 RETIREMENT - INSURANCE - INVESTMENTS Research in Action: Summary Articles / Text Graphics Talking Points Use this information in proposals, sales material, collateral, etc. Lift and Load text and graphics to support sales and marketing initiatives. Compliance approval of this source document does not imply approval of other materials that use this information. Products and services offered through the ING family of companies C10-0623-017 ING Call Center Customer Question Summary Question # 2, April 30 – May 14, 2010 ? ? ? ? ? Voice of the Customer Insight: At what age do you plan to retire?

2 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline For Broker/Dealer Use Only 2 ING recognizes that people – our own customers – dont invest in their employers retirement plans just for the sake of it! These plans come with a very definite purpose and end-goal: Retirement. While for younger investors that goal might seem unclear and distant, decades away, and for older individuals, it may seem (either tantalizingly or unsettlingly) close – retirement is a state thats generally associated with a planned age. To better understand how our own customers view their retirements, we asked them! From April 30 – May 14, 2010, 830 callers to ING Retirement Plans Windsor, Connecticut and DesMoines, Iowa service centers were asked a simple question: At what age to you plan to retire? Their answers are captured and discussed here. Interestingly, younger investors also envisioned a younger retirement age; women an older retirement than men, Government workers planned to retire earliest, and Healthcare workers planned the latest retirements. And about a quarter simply didnt know. Read on for more! Retirement is a Destination…

3 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline For Broker/Dealer Use Only At what age do you plan to retire? A gazillion is not a goal! 22% -- nearly a quarter – of calling customers were already retired. 26% -- or just over a quarter -- were not sure when they planned to retire, ING tools and education can help this 26% to better understand their options and when they can expect to retire… and to act more productively with a goal in mind. Of the half of respondents who provided a target retirement age, the traditional 65 was far and away the most often- desired retirement age. Very few individuals had optimistic plans of early retirements, although response spikes at ages 60 and 62 – and even a slightly smaller spike at age 55 a still smaller, but present, spike at 50) – indicate that retirement rules of thumb (early retirement / Social Security eligibility at 62) and the anchoring effects of beginning-, mid- and end- points of the decade may have some effect on respondents perceptions with respect to when they can retire. There are a number of individuals who plan to work to age 70 and beyond. The spike for age 70-72 is higher than that for those who plan to retire at 50! N = 830 Callers to INGs Windsor and Des Moines Service Centers, April 30 – May 14, 2010

4 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline Investors Expressing a Planned Retirement Age 4 Women, likely realistically, expect to retire later than do men. The expressed gap of only two years, however, may indicate that many women do not truly appreciate – and plan for – the implications of longer life expectancies -- and contradictory workplace dynamics that create lower savings for women! Women are more likely to spend time not working – caring for children and/or parents, for example – which leads to lower savings overall and lower wage bases for potential pensions and Social Security benefits.

5 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline For Broker/Dealer Use Only 5 5 Years Older! Current Age Anticipated Retirement Age Investors Expressing a Planned Retirement Age In general, as age increases, so does targeted retirement age. Of non-retired callers, younger individuals are the most optimistic, with lower anticipated retirement ages… Expected retirement age (on average) rises with customer age. That target age jumps five years for the 65+ (versus younger than 65) population. Crossing 65 may be a negative awakening, or financial reality check, for those who are still working!

6 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline For Broker/Dealer Use Only Planned Retirement Age / Average Age of Retiree Caller 6 Government workers and Educators – potentially working in sectors where Defined Benefit, or Pension, coverage remains far higher than in the private sector, have correspondingly lower anticipated retirement ages. Private sector and Healthcare employees (Healthcare Institutions can include both for and not for profit … existing in both the private and public sectors) plan to work longer… until on average about age 65.4. The relative trend is also reflected in the population of retiree customers / callers who were part of the study. Healthcare and Private Sector retirees were older than educator and government employee retirees. Average Planned Retirement Age Average Age of Retiree Caller

7 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline For Broker/Dealer Use Only Responding Customer Demographics 7 Note that the heavy volume of female callers is consistent call center, Internet and meeting attendance historical data; women are more frequent callers and more frequent attendees. Men are more likely to use the Internet. By Age By Market / Employer Type By Gender Youngest Caller Age19.7 Oldest Caller Age87.9 Average Caller Age51.2 Median Caller Age52.6 43% of callers in Retirement Zone of 50-65

8 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline For Broker/Dealer Use Only Account Balance by Age 8 As customer age increases, high account balance outliers drive up the average account balance for each cohort. Average and Median account balances for all cohorts, however, suggest lower levels of savings – even and notably for those age 50+ not even approaching the $100,000 milestone. The small data set for callers age 80+represents only a few investors with relatively high balances – suggesting that these individuals may have been highly active investors in their plan(s). Current Age Account Balance

9 Do not put content on the brand signature area Orange RGB= 255,102,000 Light blue RGB= 180,195,225 Dark blue RGB= 000,000,102 Grey RGB= 150,150,150 ING colour balance Guideline For Broker/Dealer Use Only Methodology ING Call Center Customer Question Survey March 23-26, 2010 860 total survey participants + / - 3.36% confidence at 95% level (based on average 30,541 service center calls during the period in which the question was open) This survey summary has been prepared by the ING Institute for Retirement Research for informational purposes. Nothing contained herein should be construed as (i) an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any security or (ii) a recommendation as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling any security. Any opinions expressed herein reflect our judgment and are subject to change. Certain of the statements contained herein are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management's current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements due to, without limitation, (1) general economic conditions, (2) performance of financial markets, (3) interest rate levels, (4) increasing levels of loan defaults (5) changes in laws and regulations and (6) changes in the policies of governments and/or regulatory authorities. The opinions, views and information expressed in this commentary are subject to change without notice based on market conditions and other factors. The information provided is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Products and services are offered through ING family of companies. Please log on to for information regarding other products and services offered through ING family of companies. Not all products are available in all states. Survey conducted March 23-26, 2010 by ING Customer Service Representatives 6

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