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The Danish Approach: Recognition of prior learning – Anerkendelse af realkompetencer Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior.

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Presentation on theme: "The Danish Approach: Recognition of prior learning – Anerkendelse af realkompetencer Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Danish Approach: Recognition of prior learning – Anerkendelse af realkompetencer Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning Glasgow May 2012

2 The Danish Learning Culture Education system / adult education system in Denmark is well elaborated and developed - long traditions. High degree of involvement of social partners and stakeholders. Collaboration with regional and local levels. Legislation: Typically ”framework laws” with decentralised operation. Top-down and bottom-up processes. Pedagogical approach: From teaching to learning, process-oriented, dialogue-based and involvment of participants. Evaluation. Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning


4 Policy process in DK Since 1995 policy papers and decisions addressing: Support a higher level of competences primarily the low- and unskilled Make prior learning visible in order to secure recognition Improve cross sectoral mobility Improve labour market mobility Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

5 Policy process (2) Issuing certificates for more than formal education The monopoly of the formal educational system is challenged Avoid double education – not get instruction in something you already know Facilitate admission to formal education Shortening length of formal education Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

6 Cross ministerial memorandum 2004, legislation in 2007 and Ministry of Education following initiatives: A partnership agreement with the social partners regarding recognition of prior learning running from August 2007 to August 2009; A national information and networking campaign focusing on prior learning; An on-line skills portfolio that can be used to document skills when seeking prior learning assessments ( – an English version is available at; A handbook of prior learning to be used by the adult and continuing education institutions; Establishment of a National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning (NVR); Establishment of a counselling web portal that provides general information about prior learning (; A TV campaign aired on Danish National TV, conferences, seminars and meetings, etc.

7 Prior learning is defined as: ”Knowledge, skills and competencies a person has, regardless of how and where they are obtained” in Danish ”Realkompetence” Kirsten Aagaard, National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

8 Common principles: A right for the individual Free of charge for low skilled Always in relation to educational objectives, levels and requirements The individual has a responsibility for contribution to the documentation Generally accepted certificates Appeals board established Kirsten Aagaard, National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

9 Legal status: Act 556 of June 2007 Adult vocational Training (AMU) Basic Adult Education (GVU) Short cycle higher education programmes ( VVU) Diploma programmes General adult education (avu)/ higher preparatory exams (HF) Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning


11 The process of RPL Information and clarification DokumentationAssesment Recognition and certification - admission - competence certificates - educational certificates No funding Funding Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

12 The Danish Ministry of Education has carried out an examination of the law (2010): RPL is still a broadly founded political project supported by relevant stakeholders and the social partners. It is still seen as a very important instrument contributing to promote adults participation in adult and continuing training and to improve adults possibilities on labour market. But there is a potential for development and improvement especially within information about RPL, simplifying, standardization and quality assurance. Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

13 Barriers Economy Institutional anchoring Attitudes of the teachers Competence development of the professionals Cross sectorial cooperation / stakeholder cooperation Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

14 National action plan 2010-2011 In 2010 The former Ministry of Education made a national action plan with 4 initiatives crossing all relevant educational areas. The general themes were: 1. Mapping out the players guidance and counselling before RPL (the prefase) 2. Examine the possibilities of RPL in the educational system to get a broader perspective for example an occupational and a job-related perspective 3. Quality assurance with a special focus on developing a code of conduct for RPL 4. A local guidance and information campaign - in order to support a broader implementation of RPL in all educational areas In spring 2011 a committee began to put more detail into the action plan. In 2012 – 2014 further initiatives will be taken on the basis of the action plan. Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

15 Challenges - RPL To get from system level to user level. To built up a national coherent structure. To develop the system in a sustainable way. To inform and improve knowledge about the possibility of obtaining RPL. Educational changes in the light of RPL. Strengthen the collaboration between the sectors: Education, labour market and the third sector. A challenge to integrate all the elements of the process: Information, clarification, documentation, assessment and formal recognition. Quality assurance. Kirsten Aagaard National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning

16 European Inventory on Validation of Nonformal and Informal Learning 2010 Country Report: Kirsten Aagaard 1/77455.pdf 1/77455.pdf Contact: Kirsten Aagaard Nationalt Videncenter for Realkompetence Hedeager 2, 8200 Aarhus N Danmark + 45 87 55 18 21

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