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Educational Master Plan Opportunities and Projections for the Future May 4, 2015 1Cambridge West Partnership, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Master Plan Opportunities and Projections for the Future May 4, 2015 1Cambridge West Partnership, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Master Plan Opportunities and Projections for the Future May 4, 2015 1Cambridge West Partnership, LLC

2 EMP Overview Message from President Context of Planning College History & Overview Mission, Vision, Values Environmental Scan – External – Internal Institutional Effectiveness Strategic Priorities, Plan Assumptions Opportunities for the Future Projections for the Future Program of Instruction 2Cambridge West Partnership, LLC

3 Overarching Theme What opportunities are available for the College to further its mission? Cambridge West Partnership, LLC3

4 Opportunities for the Future Labor Market Data, by Occupation Competing Programs in the “Neighborhood” Ideas for Potential New Programs General Opportunities Cambridge West Partnership, LLC4

5 Projections for the Future WSCH Projections by Discipline EMP-FMP Linkage Table Cambridge West Partnership, LLC5

6 Regional Overview Cambridge West Partnership, LLC6

7 Santa Clara-San Benito Openings Cambridge West Partnership, LLC7

8 “Web Developers” Cambridge West Partnership, LLC8

9 Program Evaluation Criteria Appropriateness to the Mission – Right level (first two years) – Addresses valid transfer or occupational area – Congruent with mission of college Need – Document transfer applicability as lower division requirements – CTE- labor market data or recent employer survey plus regional consortium approval Cambridge West Partnership, LLC9

10 Program Evaluation Criteria Curriculum Standards – Local curriculum committee, governing board, program accreditor (when applicable) Adequate Resources – Qualified faculty, facilities & equipment, library and learning resources – Commit to offering courses in program at least once every two years Compliance – No conflict with any licensing/state/federal law or regulation Cambridge West Partnership, LLC10

11 General Opportunities SB 1440/440 (extent of curriculum alignment) AB86 State Distance Education Initiative Workforce Institute Regional Grant Application Acceleration (stretch) Idea Milpitas Joint Use Center Cambridge West Partnership, LLC11

12 WSCH Projections by Discipline Baseline 2020 2025 2030 Cambridge West Partnership, LLC12

13 EMP-FMP Linkage Table Current facilities shortcomings Potential future facilities needs related to curriculum visions FMP also influenced by State space standards – Lecture – Laboratory – Offices – Library – AV/TV Cambridge West Partnership, LLC13

14 Just the Start, Not the End Cambridge West Partnership, LLC14

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