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Open Health Natural Language Processing Consortium (OHNLP)

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Presentation on theme: "Open Health Natural Language Processing Consortium (OHNLP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Health Natural Language Processing Consortium (OHNLP)
Mayo Clinic: Guergana Savova, Ph.D. James Masanz IBM Watson Research: Anni Coden, Ph.D. Michael Tanenblatt

2 Overview OHNLP? Oh, NLP? Demo of a clinical OHNLP system (cTAKES)
Demo of a medical OHNLP system (MedKAT) with extensions to pathology (/P) How can I adapt the system to my data? Lively discussion: how can I get involved, OHNLP future steps…

3 Open Health Natural Language Processing Consortium
(part of caBIG Vocabulary Knowledge Center web presence) Goal Foster an open-source collaborative community around clinical NLP that can deliver best-of-breed annotators, leverage the dynamic features of UIMA flow-control, and establish the infrastructure for clinical NLP. Two open source releases as part of OHNLP Mayo’s pipeline for processing clinical notes (cTAKES) IBM’s pipeline for processing medical notes (MedKAT) and pathology reports (MedKAT/P)

4 Other non-OHNLP clinical NLP Systems
Proprietary medLEE (Columbia University) Topaz (University of Pittsburgh) Vanderbilt University caTIES (University of Pittsburgh) MPLUS/Onyx (University of Utah) VA Hospital system Open Source i2b2 HITEx (Health Information Text Extraction)

5 Clinical example: clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES)
Presenters: Guergana Savova James Masanz

6 Overview cTAKES Commitment to both R and D in R&D
Developed at Mayo Clinic Goals: Phenotype extraction Generic – to be used for a variety of retrievals and use cases Expandable – at the information model level and methods Modular Cutting edge technologies – best methods combining existing practices and novel research with rapid technology transfer Best software practices (80M+ notes) Commitment to both R and D in R&D

7 cTAKES: Components Clinical narrative as a sublanguage Core components
Sentence boundary detection (OpenNLP technology) Tokenization (rule-based) Morphologic normalization (NLM’s LVG) POS tagging (OpenNLP technology) Shallow parsing (OpenNLP technology) Named Entity Recognition Dictionary mapping (lookup algorithm) Machine learning (MAWUI) Negation and context identification (NegEx)

8 Output Example: Disorder Object
“No evidence of unstable angina.” Disorder Text: unstable angina Associated code: SNOMED Named entity type: disease/disorder Status: current Negation: true

9 Methods Preliminary results:
Savova, Guergana; Kipper-Schuler, Karin; Buntrock, James and Chute, Christopher UIMA-based clinical information extraction system. LREC 2008: Towards enhanced interoperability for large HLT systems: UIMA for NLP. Manuscript with detailed system description and evaluation under review (JAMIA)

10 cTAKES demo

11 Medical example: Medical Knowledge Analysis System MedKAT and MedKAT/P
Presenters: Anni Coden Michael Tanenblatt

12 Overview MedKAT and MedKAT/P
Developed at IBM Goal: Identification of concepts and their attributes based on a standard or proprietary terminology/ontology /P adaptation to pathology reports – relation extraction Modular, Generic, Expandable Terminology, Conceptual Model Easy adaptation to specific corpus and conventions Integration into institutional system Ongoing commitment to Research and Development

13 Core Components Document structure
Syntactic tools (tokenization ... Shallow parsing) Concept identification Negation Relationship extraction Extracted data F-score Anatomic site 0.95 Histology 0.98 Size 1.00 Date Grade Gross Desc 0.80 Lymph Nodes 0.81 Primary Tumor 0.82 Metastatic Tumor 0.65

14 Document Structure 16

15 Document Structure 17

16 Document Structure 18

17 Output

18 Cancer Disease Knowledge Representation Model

19 Demos Query by Model / Cancer
Detailed view of annotations in Document Analyzer m/research_projects.nsf/pages/medic alinformatics.index.html

20 Adaptation Presenters: Anni Coden Michael Tanenblatt

21 Adaptation Sentence breaks Text case Part of speech tags
Shallow parser Dictionary lookup Document structure

22 Sentence Breaks

23 Sentence Breaks Some solutions: Use annotator to re-break sentences
Retrain tagger

24 Case/Part of Speech Tags

25 Case/Part of Speech Tags
Some solutions: Retrain tagger Use UIMA annotator to create a “true case” view

26 Part of Speech Tags

27 Part of Speech Tags Some solutions: Retrain tagger
Use dictionary lookup to modify incorrect tags Create rule-based annotator to modify incorrect tags

28 Shallow Parser

29 Shallow Parser 31

30 Shallow Parser 32

31 Dictionary Lookup Dictionary entries can be added, changed, deleted
Dictionary entry attributes can be added, changed, deleted Search parameters can be modified Post processing filters Tokenization of text and dictionary should be the same

32 Document Structure Plain text or XML (e.g., CDA)
Processes specific document section types (e.g., diagnosis) Detection of formatting (e.g. bullets) Detection of relations between sections Making implicit conventions explicit (e.g. meaning of title)

33 Discussion: Future of OHNLP.ORG
Provided seed annotators and tools Goal: growing community Annotators, tools Methodologies Gold standards Common type system for plug-and- play What are the hurdles?

34 Hands-on Customization

35 MedKAT Dictionary adaptation Concept identification parameters
Document structure detection

36 cTAKES Negation window Lookup window Dictionary modifications

37 Questions?

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