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The American Ivan Bukreyev University of Florida IMDL, 9/18/2012.

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1 The American Ivan Bukreyev University of Florida IMDL, 9/18/2012

2 Purpose  Average American watches 4+ hours of TV each day  That equates to 28+hrs per week, or two straight month in a year, 12 years in a lifetime.

3 Purpose  Average American watches 4+ hours of TV each day  That equates to 28+hrs per week, or two straight month in a year, 12 years in a lifetime.  My robot will walk around the room and look for a TV  Once found, my robot will watch TV until the later is turned off  Then my robot will resume the search

4 Electronics  Epiphany DIY board  18 HS-485 Servos  Turnigy 4000 mAh LiPo  Samsung Galaxy S2  Bluetooth module  Two Sonars

5 Design Idea  Lynxmotion’s A- pod  Make Autonomous  Make Remote Controlled

6 Details  Leg Structure  3 Degrees of Freedom  Body Structure

7 Scope  Implement at least one fully functioning hexapod gait  Make Robot communicate wirelessly to laptop. Possible modes of communication are Bluetooth, X-Bee, Wi-Fi  Implement Image Processing capability

8 Future Additions  Add Force sensors to each leg to allow walk on non-uniform ground  Add Force sensors to front legs to allow stair climbing All images are courtesy of

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