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毕海芸 ISRSE35 会议报告. Subject: Your paper submission # 20130422-69, titled’ Crops sensitive factor in global warming research—Example: Central Inner Mongolia.

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Presentation on theme: "毕海芸 ISRSE35 会议报告. Subject: Your paper submission # 20130422-69, titled’ Crops sensitive factor in global warming research—Example: Central Inner Mongolia."— Presentation transcript:

1 毕海芸 ISRSE35 会议报告

2 Subject: Your paper submission # 20130422-69, titled’ Crops sensitive factor in global warming research—Example: Central Inner Mongolia naked oats, buckwheat’ Dear haiyun Bi, Thank you very much for your interest to attend the 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE35). The ISRSE35 Technical Program Committee has completed the abstract review process and we are pleased to inform you that your paper listed above has been ACCEPTED FOR “Oral Presentation”. We invite you to present your studies at ISRSE35 and encourage you to include this accepted paper in the symposium proceedings. PLEASE NOTE that all presenting authors MUST finish the registration procedures before 25 February 2013 to secure a space in the technical program, otherwise, your presentation may not be considered. The ISRSE 35 Technical Program Committee 会议邀请函

3 Dear haiyun Bi, As you know, the 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment will be held in Beijing from 22 to 26 April, 2013 at Beijing International Conventional Center. We warmly welcome all of you to this symposium, and would like to provide more detailed information about your presentation entitled “Crops Sensitive Factor in Global Warming Research - Example: Central Inner Mongolia Naked Oats, Buckwheat” with the following schedule: Session Title: 2-O-4 Crop Phenology Monitoring and Food Security Time and Date: 13:30 - 15:00, TUESDAY 23 APRIL 2013 Location: Room D on 1st floor Yours Sincerely, ISRSE35 Secretariat 会议日程安排

4 报告照片

5 Crops sensitive factor in global warming research Example: Central Inner Mongolia naked oats, buckwheat Haiyun Bi 2013-4-23 Beijing

6 Contents Introduction Study area and data description Sensitive analysis Conclusions and discussions

7 Contents Introduction Study area and data description Sensitive analysis Conclusions and discussion

8 1. Introduction Global warming has more and more obvious affect to agriculture, environment, economy and other aspects which are closely connected to human society.

9 Contents Introduction Study area and data description Sensitive analysis Conclusions and discussion

10 2.1 Study area Study area: Wuchuan County, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China. Inner Mongolia Sensitive area to global warming; Typical arid farming land area; Elevation: 1500—2000m; Annual precipitation: 350mm; Annual temperature: 2.5° Hohhot Wuchuan County Hohhot

11 2.2 Naked oats and buckwheat Naked oats Buckwheat

12 2.3 Data description Yield records of buckwheat and naked oats during 1961-2010 at Wuchuan County; Meteorological observations during 1961-2010; –maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature, precipitation, sunshine hours

13 Contents Introduction Study area and data description Sensitive analysis Conclusions and discussion

14 Data source: Wuchuan County meteorological stations 3.1 Meteorological elements statistical analysis Year Temperature (°C) Maximum temperature Average temperature Minimum temperature Figure 1. Temporal variations of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and average temperature during the growing period from 1961 to 2010.

15 3.1 Meteorological elements statistical analysis Figure 2. Temporal variations of precipitation and sunshine hours during the growing period from 1961 to 2010. Sunshine hours (h) Precipitation (mm) Sunshine hours Precipitation Year

16 3.1 Meteorological elements statistical analysis The minimum temperature , maximum temperature and average temperature increased in the past 50 years ; The precipitation and sunshine hours fluctuated greatly and reduced in general during this period ;

17 3.2 Yields statistical analysis Figure 3. Temporal variation of yields of naked oats and buckwheat in the past 50 years. Yields (kg) Year Naked oats Buckwheat

18 3.3 Sensitive analysis between yields and climatic elements Climat1: temperature is the first typical variable; Climat2: precipitation is the first typical variable; CorrelationNaked oatsBuckwheatTminTavg TmaxPrecSunshine Climat1-0.2646-0.44970.67200.9687 0.8215-0.3691 - Climat20.27840.31140.44220.1283 -0.23850.9177 - Naked oats - --0.1073-0.3016-0.35570.1356-0.1232 Buckwheat - --0.0210-0.3051-0.45630.32160.0715 Years -0.2721-0.20390.69010.60930.3360-0.1976-0.1997 1961—1980 0.50140.8172 - - - - - 1981—2010 -0.1520-0.3012 - - - - -

19 3.3 Sensitive analysis between yields and climatic elements Buckwheat and Naked oats are negatively correlated with the maximum temperature, minimum temperature and average temperature. There is a significant negative correlation between the maximum temperature and the yield. The correlation of buckwheat is more significant than that of naked oats. Buckwheat and naked oats are positively correlated with the precipitation. The correlation of buckwheat is more significant than that of naked oats; The buckwheat is positively correlated with the sunshine hours while the naked oats is negatively correlated with the sunshine hours.

20 Contents Introduction Study area and data description Sensitive analysis Conclusions and discussion

21 4. Conclusions and discussion The correlation between the yields of buckwheat and the meteorological elements is more significant than that of naked oats. Temperature and precipitation are the main elements which affect yields of naked oats and buckwheat. The yields of naked oats and buckwheat show great sensitivity to climate change and global warming.


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