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Service structure of librarians in public sector universities of the Punjab: An analysis Ammara Yousaf Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Muhammad Shahid Soroya.

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1 Service structure of librarians in public sector universities of the Punjab: An analysis Ammara Yousaf Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Muhammad Shahid Soroya

2 Introduction The library played an important role in enhancing and augmenting the research, teaching and learning activities and these activities are major pillars for success of any educational institutions, to run educational institutions properly depends on proper run of libraries and to run libraries it is necessary to satisfy library staff with offering good service structure. Fox (1992) believed that service structure that based on new and modern trends contributes to motivate the staff toward positive productivity. This study helped to know the symmetry and similarly of service structure of librarians of different public sector universities of the Punjab province and also pointed out the level of accordance to new era.

3 Objectives of study To know required age, experience and qualification for appointment and promotion of the librarians working in public sector universities of the Punjab. To explore offered scales and designations to librarians working in public sector universities of the Punjab. To find out the percentage of hiring way (mode of hiring) of the librarians working in public sector universities of the Punjab.

4 Methodology Research Design The study was conducted by using qualitative design of research Method Data analysis was used. Population All public sector universities of the Punjab province recognized by HEC were the population of the study. Data collection instruments The primary data available in the form of official documents on service structure of Librarians from Universities calendars, financial year reports, Budget estimate meeting reports, order letters on service structure, Board of governor meeting order, Syndicate approval letter, notification issued by finance department and Gazette of Pakistan were analyzed.

5 Data Collection A request was put up to dealing persons of 22 universities Out of the 22 only 20 of them were response and provide detail data. This represented 80 %of the total. Data analysis The data was analyzed manually.

6 Table 1 Required Age, Experience and Qualification Scale AGEExperience and Qualification Bps 1622-30NIL Diploma Bps 1721-35 25-30 25-35 2,3,5 MLIS 10 Diploma Bps 1826-40 30-45 5,6,7,8 MLIS Nil,4,5 MPHIL 2,3 PhD Bps 1933-4510,12,13 MLIS 6,10 MPHIL 2,5,8 PhD Bps 2035-5014,15 MLIS 12,13 MPHIL 09,10 PhD

7 Experience for Bps 17

8 Experience for Bps 18

9 Experience for Bps 19

10 Experience for Bps 20

11 Table 11 No of offered universities Offered scaleOffered Designation 0616Library Assistant, Cataloguer/ Classifier or librarian 17 Library cataloguer/ Classifier, Senior Librarian, Librarian, Assistant Librarian 1218Deputy Librarian, Senior Librarian, Deputy Chief Librarian, Chief librarian 1219Chief Librarian, Librarian 0220Chief Librarian

12 Graph of table 11

13 Bps 16 and 17 Six universities recruited professional librarians initially in BPS 16 while 11 recruited initially BPS 17. Six universities whom made initially recruitment in BPS 16 are hiring professional library staff through direct recruitment in BPS 16, for BPS 17 theses universities appointed on basis of initial recruitment as well as promotion. 11 universities started recruitment on BPS 17 their appointments procedure are direct recruitment/ initial recruitment in BPS 17.

14 Ratio of hiring procedures for the 18 and 19 scales was 33%, 33% and 33%. PercentageProcedure 33%100% Promotion (If not available than direct recruitment). 33%50% Promotion on basis of seniority cum fitness and 50% direct recruitment. 33%75% Promotion on basis of seniority cum fitness and 25% direct recruitment.

15 Bps 20 For the hiring professional library staff in BPS 20 University no four said “by promotion on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness, from amongst the senior librarian and if no suitable person is available for promotion than by initial recruitment”. The university no 15 said the rule as 25 % from initial recruitment and 75% Promotion on basis of seniority cum fitness.

16 Findings and discussion There is no symmetry in library professional staff service structure of public sector universities of the Punjab province. There is no similarity in library professional staff service structure of public sector universities of the Punjab province. There is no defined rules of requirements for hiring the library professional staff Bps 16 still offered to professional library staff by six public sector universities of the Punjab province. Offered scales by public sector universities of the Punjab province to library professional staff are different.

17 Only two public sector universities of the Punjab province are offered Bps 20 to library professional staff. Dissimilarity founded in required age and experience for same scale. Basic required qualification for all offered scale is MLIS in all public sector universities of the Punjab province. There are different designations offered by public sector universities of the Punjab province to professional library staff on same scale. Promotion percentage within the organization also founded different.

18 Recommendations More research on the studied subject should be conducted in other province of Pakistan so that some common trends can be identified that help in making a good service structure for librarians in public sector universities of Pakistan. New trends and emerging concept should be added in service structure of librarians in public universities as well as other educational institutions in Pakistan. Associations and organizations of library profession should play an active role in making symmetry in service structure in public sector university level. Professional librarians should try to use professional forum to write or talk about the service structure issues. LIS school play role in making similar service structure for librarians working in Public sector universities of the Punjab

19 Conclusions This analysis shows that there is no symmetry in in service structure of professional librarians working in the public sector universities of the Punjab province. Offering scales and designations are varying in different universities of the Punjab province. Requirement of age and experience also founded dissimilar in all public sector universities of Punjab province. Promotional percentage also does not match.


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