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Disorders of the Skeleton. Fractures  Any break in a bone.

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Presentation on theme: "Disorders of the Skeleton. Fractures  Any break in a bone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disorders of the Skeleton

2 Fractures  Any break in a bone

3 Osteoporosis  A condition of porous bones Osteoclasts out work osteoblasts

4 Rickets and Osteomalacia  Bone calcification fails Rickets – children Osteomalacia - adults

5 Herniated Disc  Ligaments of intervertebral discs become weak or injured, the surrounding fibrocartilage may rupture causing the material inside the disc to protrude and press on spinal nerves.

6 Spina Bifida  Laminae of the vertebrae do not unite at the midline which can allow the meninges or spinal cord to protrude from the spine.

7 Hip Fracture

8 Bunion  Deformity at the base of the big toe usually from wearing tight fitting shoes

9 Clawfoot/ Hammertoes

10 Scoliosis

11 Kyphosis

12 Lordosis

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