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Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-1 Chapter Four Primary Data or Secondary Data: A Case.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-1 Chapter Four Primary Data or Secondary Data: A Case."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-1 Chapter Four Primary Data or Secondary Data: A Case for the Latter

2 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-2 Learning Objectives  Distinguish between primary and secondary data, and its sources—used by decision makers and researchers to solve problems  Understand how secondary data fit into the marketing research process  Demonstrate how secondary data can be used to solve problems  List sources of traditional internal secondary data

3 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-3 Learning Objectives  Demonstrate how to obtain external sources of secondary data  List sources of external secondary data  Understand the availability and use of syndicated sources of secondary data  Understand the changing focus of secondary data use

4 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-4 Introduction  The researcher must decide what sources would be most appropriate for providing the necessary data  Determine whether data already exists that can address the specific research objective  Decide which primary and secondary data sources are most appropriate for addressing the stated marketing research questions  Evaluate the differences between secondary and primary data, their sources and utilisation Marketing Research Assess the data needs PHASE I: Establish the research parameters Step 2:

5 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-5 Introduction  Determine the data needs  Determine the data needed to execute the research  Assess what types of information source would be most appropriate  Determine whether the data can be collected at all  Evaluate data availability and quality  Can the specific research question be addressed with existing data?  Does the question require new, firsthand data? Marketing Research Assess the data needs PHASE I: Establish the research parameters Step 2:

6 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-6 Phase I: Establish the Research Parameters—Chapter Overview PHASE I: Establish the research parameters  Tasks in Step 2  Evaluate the types and sources of data  Describe secondary data and its role in marketing research  Highlight the use and evaluation of secondary data sources  Detail internal sources of secondary data  Detail external sources of secondary data Marketing Research Assess the data needs Step 2:

7 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-7 Evaluate the Types and Sources of Data  Classification of data is based on three fundamental dimensions:  The extent to which the data exist in some recognisable format  The degree to which the data have been interpreted  The extent to which it is understood why the data were collected and assembled

8 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-8 Evaluate the types and sources of data  Classification typically falls into two categories  Secondary data  That which has been generated at least once for some particular reason other than the current one  Primary data  That which has been derived through a formalised process for a specific, new problem situation

9 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-9 Describe Secondary Data and its Role in Marketing Research  The nature and scope of secondary data includes:  Customer knowledge data  Internal secondary data  External secondary data

10 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-10 Describe Secondary Data and its Role in Marketing Research  Secondary data can:  Save time and costs if appropriately selected for specific situations  Serve as the starting point for actual research  Assist in achieving focus and value in some functional roles—Exhibit 4.1, page 92

11 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-11 Highlight the Use and Evaluation of Secondary Data Sources  Secondary data:  Can save time and costs  Because of this, all potential secondary data sources should first be considered  Is becoming adequate in many circumstances due to information abundance

12 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-12 Highlight the Use and Evaluation of Secondary Data Sources  Secondary data should be assessed according to 6 fundamental principles: 1 Purpose 2 Accuracy 3 Consistency 4 Credibility 5 Methodology 6 Bias

13 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-13 Detail Internal Sources of Secondary Data  Internal information is the logical starting point for the secondary data search  Sources can include:  Sales invoices  Accounts receivable reports  Quarterly sales reports  Sales activity reports

14 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-14 Detail External Sources of Secondary Data  External information is the next logical source in the secondary data search  Sources can include:  Published data  External data compiled from commercial sources  Data contained in databases through agencies or vendors

15 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-15 Detail External Sources of Secondary Data  Planning the external secondary data search entails:  Developing a research procedure:  Establish goals  Develop objectives  Define specific information characteristics  Outline specific research activities  Establish reliability  Document using tabulation mechanisms

16 Copyright  2004 McGraw-Hill Pty Ltd. PPTs t/a Marketing Research by Lukas, Hair, Bush and Ortinau 4-16 Detail External Sources of Secondary Data  Key sources of external secondary data include:  Standard International Trade Classification (SITC)  Government documents  Key sources of syndicated secondary data include:  Consumer panels  Store audits

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