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RIA & FLEX & Red5 Daniel Hu 2006-11-30. Agenda What’s RIA What’s RIA What’s Flex What’s Flex Flex Builder Flex Builder Architecture of Flex Application.

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Presentation on theme: "RIA & FLEX & Red5 Daniel Hu 2006-11-30. Agenda What’s RIA What’s RIA What’s Flex What’s Flex Flex Builder Flex Builder Architecture of Flex Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIA & FLEX & Red5 Daniel Hu 2006-11-30

2 Agenda What’s RIA What’s RIA What’s Flex What’s Flex Flex Builder Flex Builder Architecture of Flex Application Architecture of Flex Application RED5 RED5

3 What ’ s RIA Rich Internet Application ( 富互联网应用系统 ) 结合桌面应用程序与网络的优点 RIA 是一种在因特网上运行的应用程序,有 着如同桌面应用程序的行为、功能、快速 响应、直觉与体验,也融合了因特网应用 程序的容易开发的与低成本的特性

4 Traditional Architecture JSP uses Custom Tags and JavaBeans to render dynamic content as HTML, which is displayed in the browser. JavaScript is used for presentation components, field validation, and other client-side processing. Session state is maintained on the client with HTTP cookies or HTML hidden fields. Typically designed to support linear, form-based, request- response processes: – Users navigate through a series of screens. – To display each screen, the server processes a request and renders an interface for the browser to display.

5 Problems With the HTML Approach Browser compatibility issues Frequent trips to the server High dependency on the network Interfaces are typically not cached on the client Usability limitations Duplicate form submissions Users pressing forward/back buttons, book- marking internal pages, closing the browser window, etc..

6 Rich Internet Applications Support complex user interaction – Not constrained by the limitations of HTML – Advanced components/widgets – drag/drop, expand/collapse – Multimedia content – sound, video Intelligent client-side validation and processing Bandwidth efficient – Store data and manage sessions on the client – Presentation can be cached – Allows for partially-connected applications Platform and browser independent

7 RIA 不只是变漂亮 呈现更多的细节 (Visual detail) 呈现更多的细节 (Visual detail) 快速响应 快速响应 无接缝 (client-server 之间的互动使用者看不 到 ) 无接缝 (client-server 之间的互动使用者看不 到 ) 完全的控制 完全的控制 GUI 的功能 GUI 的功能 维持 Web app 低发布费用但又拥有 Local AP 的优势 维持 Web app 低发布费用但又拥有 Local AP 的优势

8 What ’ s Flex Flex 是一种表现层的解决方案 快速开发,专为 IT 人员设计 (MXML+ACTIONSCRIPT) 即时发布,即时生成,无须 Flash 设计师参 与……

9 Flex Presentation Tier J2EE/CF/.NET Application Server Flex Presentation Server Flex Runtime Services Flex Application Framework MXMLActionScript Flex Class Library

10 MXML MXML 是用于为 Adobe ® Flex ™ 应用程序 进行用户界面组件布局的 XML 语言。 您还 使用 MXML 来显式定义应用程序的非可视 方面, 例如访问服务器端数据源和用户界面 组件与数据源之间的数据绑定。 MXML 是用于为 Adobe ® Flex ™ 应用程序 进行用户界面组件布局的 XML 语言。 您还 使用 MXML 来显式定义应用程序的非可视 方面, 例如访问服务器端数据源和用户界面 组件与数据源之间的数据绑定。 </mx:Application>

11 Features of ActionScript 3.0 ActionScript 3.0 consists of two parts: ActionScript 3.0 consists of two parts: Core language : Core language : The core language defines the basic building blocks of the programming language, such as statements, expressions, conditions, loops, and types. Flash Player API : Flash Player API : The flash player api sis made up of classes that represent and provide access to Flash Player – specific functionality The flash player api sis made up of classes that represent and provide access to Flash Player – specific functionality

12 Features of ActionScript 3.0 ActionScript 3.0 is based on ECMAScript, the international standardized programming language for scripting. ActionScript 3.0 is compliant with the ECMAScript Language Specification, Third Edition (ECMA-262). It also contains functionality based on ongoing work on ECMAScript Edition 4, occurring within the ECMA standards body. ActionScript 3.0 is based on ECMAScript, the international standardized programming language for scripting. ActionScript 3.0 is compliant with the ECMAScript Language Specification, Third Edition (ECMA-262). It also contains functionality based on ongoing work on ECMAScript Edition 4, occurring within the ECMA standards body.ECMA-262

13 Architecture of Flash Application Flash Media Server /Red 5 WEB Server Database Server LDAP Server End User

14 Sends SWF Web Server Client Flash Media Server RED 5 HTTP Plays SWF using Flash Player RTMP Sends/receives data Stream

15 RED 5 Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports: Streaming Audio/Video (FLV and MP3) Streaming Audio/Video (FLV and MP3) Recording Client Streams (FLV only) Recording Client Streams (FLV only) Shared Objects Shared Objects Live Stream Publishing Live Stream Publishing Remoting Remoting 0.6 rc1 released on 30/10/06


17 AMF0/AMF3 AMF 是专为 ActionScript 对象设计的信息编 码格式,它采用二进制格式,用于向远程 服务发送和接受信息 AMF 是专为 ActionScript 对象设计的信息编 码格式,它采用二进制格式,用于向远程 服务发送和接受信息

18 MINA Apache MINA (Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Applications) is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily.

19 RED5 & MINA RED5 通过 MINA 的 FilterChain 式结构来加载 Filter ,使得很多非通讯核心问题得以从基 础件中剥离出来 RED5 通过 MINA 的 FilterChain 式结构来加载 Filter ,使得很多非通讯核心问题得以从基 础件中剥离出来

20 RED5 & MINA Audio DataVideo Data Invoke Handler Byte MINA 通讯框架 Decode filterEncode filter

21 Resources

22 Questions Thanks for coming

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