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A Copyright Law for the Digital Age - The EU Copyright Directive & Changes to UK Law Ian Taylor International Director, The Publishers Association.

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Presentation on theme: "A Copyright Law for the Digital Age - The EU Copyright Directive & Changes to UK Law Ian Taylor International Director, The Publishers Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Copyright Law for the Digital Age - The EU Copyright Directive & Changes to UK Law Ian Taylor International Director, The Publishers Association

2 Re-Shaping Copyright Law WIPO Copyright Treaties 1996 US DMCA 1998 EU Copyright Directive 2001 – new rights - UK Implementation (2003 Regulations) - “Communication to the Public Right” (making available/access) - Technical Protection Measures/DRM - Remedies (including Service Providers)

3 EU Copyright Directive – Exceptions Temporary/Transient copies – Art. 5.1 “Non-commercial” test for existing exceptions - Berne Convention 3-step test - no conflict with normal exploitation Possible Disabled exception - Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002

4 Copyright Enforcement IP Enforcement Directive - EU Harmonisation (25 states) - “TRIPS plus”? Online Remedies - Injunctions in E-Commerce/Copyright Directives - Notice & Takedown (UK Code of Practice?)

5 Other Issues Database Right - Copyright for “intellectual creation” - Database Right for “substantial investment” EU Communication on Rights Management Copyright Contracts A future for copyright/territorial rights?

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