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Hand Tracking for Virtual Object Manipulation

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1 Hand Tracking for Virtual Object Manipulation
Thibaut Weise Hi, I am Thibaut Weise. I’d like to present you my final year project which is about hand tracking for virtual object manipulation. Project Supervisor: Second Marker: Professor Guang-Zhong Yang Dr Duncan Gillies

2 Motivation Virtual and Augmented Environments Robotic Control Surgery
Space, Deep Sea Why would we want to track hands? I’d like to give two examples where tracking hands would be beneficial: Virtual and Augmented Environments: Instead of using a mouse or wand, using the hands directly would be much more intuitive as it is the same movement as the user has to do for real world objects. It would make interaction for users much easier. Robot Control: Anywhere where hands are necessary for some work, but it is difficult to access, robotic arms can be used instead e.g. for surgery, mining, space, deep sea, etc. It would be beneficial to be able to control the robotic gripper directly by hand.

3 State of the Art EM-Tracking Acoustic Tracking Data Glove Optical

4 Optical Approaches Appearance-based Approach Model-based Approach
Reconstruct 3D Hand Model Two methods: Minimize Model against Features Reconstruct from Features

5 Requirements Focus: Grab Gesture  Thumb and Index Finger Real-time
Responsive Accurate

6 System Overview Calibration Marker-based Hand Tracking Marker-less
Virtual Environment

7 Reconstruction Triangulation
Requires Mapping between Pixels and 3D World Coordinates

8 Calibration Optimize known World Coordinates against detected Image Coordinates Planar Approach => Chessboard OpenCV Implementation Stereo Optimization

9 Calibration Accuracy Corner Detector Accuracy Why sub-pixel accurate?

10 X-Corner Detector Solution: Improved X-Corner Detector
Saddle Point Product of Eigenvalues minimised: λ1λ2= fxxfyy-fxy2 Gradient zero: 0 = fx + s fxx + t fxy 0 = fy + s fxy + t fyy Recalculate using weighted derivatives of neighbourhood

11 Corner Detector Comparison
Solution: Improved X-Corner Detector

12 Calibration Automation
Improved Chessboard Detector

13 Calibration Tool

14 Hand Tracking Marker-based Marker-less

15 Marker Tracking 3 Markers Thumb, Index Finger and Hand
Uses Improved X-Corner Detector Fast Accurate Simple Uses improved X-corner detector as it is fast, accurate and simple

16 Hand Reconstruction Find all potential Markers in Images
Match Points using Epipolar Constraints Uses improved X-corner detector as it is fast, accurate and simple

17 Hand Reconstruction Reconstruct all possible hand configurations
Different markers Validate hand constraints Uses improved X-corner detector as it is fast, accurate and simple

18 Hand Reconstruction Use best match based on temporal information
Minimise Euclidean distance to predicted position Uses improved X-corner detector as it is fast, accurate and simple

19 Hand Reconstruction Initialisation based on Orientation Heuristic
Uses improved X-corner detector as it is fast, accurate and simple

20 Marker-less Tracking Hand Localisation 2 Fingertips
Reconstruct Hand Position Hand Localisation Skin Colour Detection We have no markers, so we need to reconstruct the hand differently. The hand position cannot found by direct feature point, as there is no feature! Reconstruct hand position from finger axes. First step is to localise the hand in the image. Skin colour is in a distinct region of a certain colour space. We use skin colour detection using a simple heuristic Rule.

21 Hand Localisation Background Subtraction - Skin + Background +

22 Hand Localisation Find Hand Contour
We have no markers, so we need to reconstruct the hand differently. The markers were at the finger tips, so detecting the fingertips is effective. The hand position cannot found by direct feature point, as there is no feature! Reconstruct hand position from finger axes. First step is to localise the hand in the image. Skin colour is in a distinct region of a certain colour space. We use skin colour detection using a simple heuristic Rule.

23 Hand Reconstruction Find Peaks Calculate k-curvature:
[C(i)-C(i-k)]T[C(i+k)-C(i)] Peaks where angle > 0o and < 90o Once we have a contour as a list of pixel positions we find the fingertips as peaks in the contour. For that we calculate the k-curvature at each contour pixel. The k-curvature is just the angle between the vector from the contour pixel k steps before and the vector to the contour pixel k steps after. If the angle is bigger than 90 and less than 180 degrees, that is the dot product is less than 0, then it is a potential peak.

24 Hand Reconstruction Match peaks using Epipolar Constraints  find possible Finger Tips Calculate Finger Axis

25 Hand Reconstruction Reconstruct hand position
Validate hand constraints Use best hand based on temporal information

26 Evaluation Marker-based Marker-less

27 Virtual Environment Virtual Tower of Hanoi Virtual Hand => Grabber
Fixed Dimensions Grab and Push Objects Perception Colour Coding Shadow

28 Implementation Application Video / Tracking Thread Thread
Settings Video / Tracking Thread Draw / Settings Hand Update Virtual Environment

29 Demo

30 Conclusion Accurate semi-automatic Calibration Marker-based Tracking
Marker-less Tracking Virtual Environment

31 Future Work Marker-based Tracking Marker-less Tracking
Handle Occlusion Marker-less Tracking Refine Skin Colour Detection Use Gradient

32 Questions ? Who wants to try?

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