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Copyright© 1995-2007 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this material may be reprinted in any form without the express written.

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1 Copyright© 1995-2007 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this material may be reprinted in any form without the express written permission of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. or as otherwise provided in writing. Underwriters Laboratories – Certification Activities for Drinking Water Treatment Equipment Dr. T.N.V.V. Rao Underwriters Laboratories

2 p/2 UL Overview A Leader in Global Conformity Assessment 21 billion UL Marks appeared on products 71,680 manufacturers produced UL certified products 108,745 product evaluations 19,214 product types evaluated by UL 223 million consumers reached with safety messages in the United States and Canada

3 p/3 UL’s Global Family Is At Your Service Asia Europe Latin & North America China Czech RepublicArgentina Hong Kong DenmarkBrazil India FinlandCanada Japan FranceChile Korea GermanyMexico Malaysia Italy United States Singapore Poland Taiwan Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom

4 p/4 UL’s Drinking Water Program

5 p/5 Drinking Water Program Drinking Water Product Certification Bottled Water Certification Drinking Water Analytical services Water QualityCheck TM Comprises four service lines

6 p/6 Drinking Water Product Certification

7 p/7 Drinking Water Product Certification ANSI accredited global certification program Dedicated team of engineers, chemists and sanitarians all over the world Active participation at trade shows, joint committees and industry task groups

8 p/8 Drinking Water Product Certification Drinking Water Treatment Units Drinking water treatment units – aesthetic effects (non health) - NSF/ANSI 42 Drinking water treatment units – health effects - NSF/ANSI 53 UV microbiological water treatment systems - NSF/ANSI 55 R.O drinking water treatment systems – - NSF/ANSI 58 Residential Water softeners - NSF/ANSI 44

9 p/9 DWTU Certification Process The steps involved: Client requests certification UL provides quote and requests client authorization Information acquistion Gather information on company and products, which includes a Wetted Parts List Plant Audit A representative from our office staff will visit each manufacturing facility for a preliminary production inspection. Samples are selected at this time.

10 p/10 DWTU Certificaiton Process (contd.) Product Testing Products are tested as per the standard Results verified to meet standard requirements Literature Review All product literature and packaging will be reviewed Classification A report is written and upon successful completion, products will be authorized to bear the UL mark. Products will be listed on UL’s website. Follow-up services UL field rep will make semi-annual unannounced factory visits to monitor ongoing quality control. Recertification evaluation every 5 years.

11 p/11 DWTU Standards What does being certified mean? Material Safety Product does not impart contaminants into the potable water pathway Extraction testing depends on product’s ingredients Structural Integrity Cycle testing to simulate operation of product over a projected lifetime Hydrostatic testing ensures product design is capable of withstanding intended application

12 p/12 Drinking Water System Components Housings, tubing Valves & gaskets Tanks & Coatings Health Effects -NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Drinking Water Treatment Chemical Additives Disinfectants/antiscalants/dispersants/coagulants Health Effects - NSF/ANSI Standard 60 Drinking Water Product Certification

13 p/13 An important credential in your key markets Demonstrates compliance to all applicable health-effect standards Fully recognized and accepted by the U.S. EPA as well as AHJ’s in the U.S. & Canada UL’s Water Quality Mark

14 p/14 Questions & Feedback

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