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Presentation on theme: " REACH: Past, Present and Issues for 2009 and Beyond Emma Chynoweth, Chemical Watch REACH USA 2009 20-22 January 2009 Smithers Rapra."— Presentation transcript:

1 REACH: Past, Present and Issues for 2009 and Beyond Emma Chynoweth, Chemical Watch REACH USA 2009 20-22 January 2009 Smithers Rapra

2 Introduction 2008 What a year! REACH CHAMP Other regulatory controls Supply chain issues NGO activity Recession What’s in store for 2009?

3 Some initial thoughts… REACH et al—a massive challenge, but not entirely uncharted territory.  The bedrock is risk assessment  New information and communication requirements, especially on uses  Industry and authorities are going to have to learn by doing  As a journalist it is invigorating!

4 Looking back through 2008… REACH Industry meeting its obligations  Substance inventories  Useful supply chain communications, use mapping  Pre-registration, etc  Planning for registration

5 Looking back through 2008… REACH ECHA up and running  Setting up infrastructure, IT, committees etc  Helpdesk  Pre-registration etc  SVHC…Candidate List  International communications  Classification and labelling

6 Looking back through 2008… CHAMP  Launched March, a response to REACH  Screening-level hazard and risk characterisations, action where needed  Targeting assessments based on risk  Getting more out of HPV Challenge  Expanding to MPV  Inorganic HPV and TSCA inventory reset in the pipeline

7 Looking back through 2008… Other EU chemical controls (1)  UN Globally Harmonised System on Classification and Labelling—EU version Classification, Labelling and Packaging regulation adopted  Biocides—mini and substantive revisions  Plant protection products—concern over plans to use hazard-based criteria to reject substances

8 Looking back through 2008… Other EU chemical controls (2)  Cosmetics—proposals published in February, issue over nano products  RoHS—proposals published in December; consolidation not expansion

9 Looking back through 2008… Other pressures (1)—supply chain  Safety of products made in emerging economies—toys, food products  Greening corporate agenda—especially for consumer product companies; greater focus on end-of-life  Greater supply chain security—declarable substance lists: aerospace, electronics etc

10 Looking back through 2008… Other pressures (2) NGOs  International Chemical Secretariat—SIN list  Business-NGO Working Group for Safer Chemicals and Sustainable Materials  Growing NGO pressure in USA for TSCA reform  Increased NGO activity at State level

11 2009 and beyond… REACH  Registration  SIEFs/Consortia  Dossiers—exposure scenarios/Chemical Safety Report  Dossiers—compliance  Authorisation and Restriction Process  Various elements still to be finalised  Enforcement  ECHA project  Member state initiatives  Missed pre-registration  Budgets

12 2009 and beyond… CHAMP  TSCA Reform  Kids Safe Campaign  CHAMP—what will stick?  Chemical regulations at state-level; California and others  Canadian influence

13 2009 and beyond… Other chemical controls (in Europe)  Biocides—revision proposals published, debated  Plant Protection Products—draft revision debated  Detergents—studies currently underway may spark action  Cosmetics—proposals debated  Indoor air quality—Green Paper to be published  Product specific controls? BPA, phthalates

14 2009 and beyond… Aspiring to REACH  Korea  Japan  China  ICCM2  WTO

15 2009 and beyond… Supply chain impacts/NGO focus  Retail  Textiles  Aerospace  Automotive  Electronics  SIN 2  Product specific—,, etc

16 2009 and beyond… Emerging issues  Nanotechnology  Endocrine disruptors  POPs  Biomonitoring  Children’s health  Recession???  SMEs

17 REACH: Past, present, 2009 and beyond…some final thoughts Pressure on industry and authorities for  Integrity  Transparency  Progress

18 REACH: Past, present, 2009 and beyond…some final thoughts  Pragmatic approach  Fair but firm  A common understanding of the intent and long term aims of REACH and a desire to achieve those objectives

19 Many Thanks

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