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Flexible Instructional Space for Teaching Science Courses with emphasis on Inquiry and Collaborative Active Learning Finch-Gray Science Building Lab Renovation.

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Presentation on theme: "Flexible Instructional Space for Teaching Science Courses with emphasis on Inquiry and Collaborative Active Learning Finch-Gray Science Building Lab Renovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flexible Instructional Space for Teaching Science Courses with emphasis on Inquiry and Collaborative Active Learning Finch-Gray Science Building Lab Renovation Proposal, presented by the McMurry Physics Department

2 Getting Vision Right

3 McMurry University Vision for the Natural and Computational Sciences The McMurry University Natural and Computational Sciences faculty believes that a basic appreciation of science is an essential component of a well- rounded education. McMurry science programs are designed to cooperatively build within every graduate the foundational knowledge, appropriate skills, and hands-on experience necessary to succeed in the workplace, the classroom, graduate programs, or professional schools. The research- rich environment encourages faculty to develop both individually and collaboratively, to implement innovative teaching methods, and to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge.

4 The aspects of McMurry University 2023 Centennial Vision We envision o learning communities o using asynchronous learning modes o a more diverse campus o opportunities for collaborative programs o the Center for Research in Teaching Mathematics and Science o the development of other MURI centers for undergraduate research

5 Challenges in Teaching Physics o the need to balance the depth and breadth in material coverage o the need to provide active engagement with subject matter o the need to integrate laboratory exercises with class content o the need to account for various learning styles of diverse student audiences

6 MIT Story Teaching First-year introductory physics and TEAL class-room

7 MIT Story  Cartesian Learning  Constructivist Learning  Social Constructivism

8 MIT Story

9 MIT Space

10 MIT Space After


12 TEAL Space in work

13 New Space for Science  Flexible  Supportive of social interactions  Supportive of interdisciplinary collaboration  Makes science visible  Adaptable for future

14 Inquiry-Based Instructional Modules

15 Physics Proposal Part A Flexibility

16 Current Conditions

17 Renovated Space


19 Flexibility of Renovated Space



22 Flexibility of Furniture

23 Physics Proposal Part B  Functionality

24 Current Conditions

25 Functionality of Renovated Space


27 Planned Impact and Assessment

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