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My Grandmother’s Memory Trunk Elena Castro, Barbara Flores & Eddie Hernández ISBN9780673780362.

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Presentation on theme: "My Grandmother’s Memory Trunk Elena Castro, Barbara Flores & Eddie Hernández ISBN9780673780362."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Grandmother’s Memory Trunk Elena Castro, Barbara Flores & Eddie Hernández ISBN9780673780362

2 Introduce Text… "This story is called, My Grandmother’s Memory Trunk” and it is about a Grandmother showing her Granddaughter things she has saved to remember special people in her life. Read story to children Shared Reading Echo Choral Partner Oracy

3 Vocabulary/phrases Memory Grandmother Trunk Reminds me of










13 Comprehension Language Structures Comprehension: Main idea/what the story is about Comprehension for this story will be around recall of story events and details and will be done orally and in writing. Language structures to be used in the comprehension include: One memory in Grandmother’s trunk is______________. It reminds her of_________________.

14 Oral Comprehension One memory in Grandma’s trunk is a little blue cap. a gold watch It reminds her of Fernando Grandfather

15 Transformation – Statement to Question Using the chart from the previous slide, have students generate questions from the statements: Example: What reminds Grandmother of Fernando? Fernando’s little blue hat reminds her of him. Example: What reminds Grandmother of her wedding? The white wedding dress reminds her of it. Example: What reminds Grandmother of the little girl? The tooth reminds Grandmother of her.

16 Writing: Questions to Answers Use color coding in written responses to differentiate questions and answers. Each student writes two. Students read their questions and answers to each other. Example: What is one memory in Grandmother’s trunk? One memory is the silver earrings. Example: What is one memory in Grandmother’s trunk? One memory is the pink sweater.

17 Class Survey NameMemoryReminds me of Kathypearl ringmy mom Kathybaby shoesson and daughter

18 Oracy Structures (2-3) Who is the student whose memory is________? (Relative clause) What is ____________’s memory. What does _______________’s memory remind him/her of?

19 Oracy: Conditional Phrases Independent Practice Students write the following: If I had a memory trunk I would put _______________ in it because it reminds me of_______________. Read and share with the class.

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