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“So, you want to learn the Force … Help you I can. My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. It is what gives a Jedi his power. It is the energy.

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Presentation on theme: "“So, you want to learn the Force … Help you I can. My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. It is what gives a Jedi his power. It is the energy."— Presentation transcript:


2 “So, you want to learn the Force … Help you I can. My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. It is what gives a Jedi his power. It is the energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us. It binds the universe together.” “Named must your fear be before you banish it.” -Master Yoda

3 True or False? STAAR stands for “State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness.” The English/language arts assessment is a combined reading and writing test. You have all the time you need to take the test. There are nine different literary genres included on the test. You will have to write three different kinds of essays. The English/language arts STAAR is on March 30st (9th grade) and April 1st (10th grade).

4 What is STAAR? The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, commonly referred to as its acronym STAAR, are a series of state-mandated standardized tests used in Texas public primary and secondary schools to assess a student's achievements and knowledge learned in the grade level. It tests curriculum taught from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, which in turn is taught by public schools. The test is developed by Pearson Education every school year, along with the close supervision of the Texas Education Agency.

5 Combined Test Reading Writing Subject of Multiple Choice Questions
Reading selections of various genres to be considered in isolation and together Revising and editing of sample student writing Essays Analytical paragraph– single selection Crossover analytical paragraph– paired selection Expository (9th grade) Persuasive (10th grade)

6 How long is the test? You will have 5 hours to take the test.
That’s just shy of 1/4th of a day. 300 minutes 18000 seconds

7 A visit to our Jedi archives… Genres Assessed in Reading
Literary Fiction Literary nonfiction Poetry Drama Media literacy Informational Expository Persuasive Procedural Media literacy

8 Types of Multiple Choice Questions - Reading
Question Type Example 1. Word meaning Read the following sentence from paragraph 1. The dusty black pickup sped off into the distance and soon found camouflage beyond the tree line. How does the denotation of camouflage contrast with its connotation? 2. Figurative language In paragraph 3, what information about the cultural setting of the vacations does the figurative language provide? 3. Tone and Evidence of Tone The author views her family as oddballs. What factual evidence best supports this perspective?

9 Types of Multiple Choice Questions – Reading, Continued…
Question Type Example Inference Which inference would best be made from the selections? Controlling Idea (Theme) What statement best reflects the controlling idea of the selection? 6. Author’s Purpose Which set of details is most important to the author’s purpose?

10 Types of Multiple Choice Questions – Reading, Continued…
Question Type Example 7. Literary Elements What element that causes the reader to analyze the author use most effectively? 8. Passage Comparisons What appears to be the most probable difference between the vacations described in the selections? 9. Extension to the World How vacation time is spent has changed over the past three or four decades. Which mechanism most likely caused the shift away from the traditional family vacation?

11 Types of Multiple Choice Questions – Revising and Editing
Question Type Example 1. Sentence Combining What revision, if any, should be made to sentences 8 and 9? 2. Organizational Structure What is the most effective way to improve the organizational structure of the first four paragraphs? 3. Sentence Structure What is the best way to edit sentence 4 for correct structure?

12 Types of Multiple Choice Questions – Revising and Editing, Continued…
Question Type Example 4. Continuity of Style Which sentence is the most effective way to revise the intended meaning of sentence 16 and remain true to the author’s style? 5. Clarify word meaning? In sentence 13, what revision best clarifies the intended meaning of the word destination? 6. Grammar and Punctuation What is the best way to edit sentence 3 to ensure the intended meaning of the restrictive relative clause is clear?

13 Types of Essays Analytical Paragraphs Expository (9th)
Persuasive (10th)

14 Analytical Paragraphs
Short Answer – Single Selection Short Answer – Connecting Selection # Lines 10 Sample Question Discuss the role of irony in “The Parable of the Prodigal Son.” Support your answer with evidence from the selection. Explain how genres in “Speeding into Sunset” and “The Endangered Family Vacation” connect through the theme to affect the meanings of the selections. Structure of Response Claim - Answer the question (thesis). Evidence - quote words/phrases from the passage. Briefly explain significance (don’t summarize). Reasoning - Tie back to thesis. Evidence - quote words/phrases from the 1st passage. Explain significance. Evidence - quote words and Phrases from selection #2. Explain significance

15 Expository Essay (9th Grade)
# Lines Allotted: 26 Sample Prompt Although all people exist as part of a larger group, many choose to question and even rebel against conforming to society’s accepted ideas. Write an essay explaining why it is sometimes necessary to think or act differently from others. Structure of Response 4 Paragraphs: Introduction with thesis Personal example (use CER) Global example (use CER) Conclusion

16 Persuasive Essay (10th Grade)
# Lines Allotted: 26 Sample Prompt Although large cities are exciting places to live, small towns have their own special characteristics. Write an essay stating your position on whether it is better to live in a large city or in a small town. Structure of Response 4 Paragraphs: Introduction with thesis Example #1 (ethos, pathos, logos = support) Example #2 (ethos, pathos, logos = support) Concession/Refutation + Call to Action

17 So, when do we take the test?
March 30st (9th) April 1st (10th) “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”

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