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Johannesen, Valde, & Whedbee.  Arthur Sylvester, former Assistant Secretary…  “Methods themselves must meet many ethical standards…

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Presentation on theme: "Johannesen, Valde, & Whedbee.  Arthur Sylvester, former Assistant Secretary…  “Methods themselves must meet many ethical standards…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Johannesen, Valde, & Whedbee

2  Arthur Sylvester, former Assistant Secretary…  “Methods themselves must meet many ethical standards…

3  More than one-third of doctors surveyed nationwide admit deceiving insurance companies…

4  Our looks, our actions, and even our silence lie. Reports, promises, and even apologies lie…

5  Some legal words have a “built-in” vagueness...

6  People in separate culture and separate nations are concerned about different problems…

7  Since “truth is a print ethic, not a standard for ethical behavior…”  The ad pictures an attractive female teenager looking very seductive straight at the young female reader. The written portion of the ad says…

8  Jacques Ellul, the noted French social and political analyst, has written..

9  We should tolerate, even seek out, divergent and controversial viewpoints to better assess what is being presented…

10  A European scholar of media ethics, Cees Hamelick…

11  For example, what would be the result for communication ethics: …  Other, especially the Other who marginalized by society…

12  Steven Best and Douglas Kellner, two scholars of postmodernism…

13  Human beings…are not some variety of sponge, soaking up whatever…  In other words, if we have the technological capacity to do something, we should go ahead and do it.  Dehumanization is one concern…

14  Fair and equal opportunity to utilize Internet resources…  Rubin calls these characteristics the “Seven Temptations” (Read 1-7)  In The Weblog Handbook, Rebecca Blood contends… (1-9)

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