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Common Core State Standards
Today we would like to provide some information to ensure awareness and understanding of Common Core Standards. What they are, why we are transitioning to them, what they look like and how will they be assessed. Awareness
History of Florida’s Education Curriculum
2013 Common Core State Standards 2008 Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards 1996 Sunshine State Standards The Sunshine State Standards were approved by the State Board of Education to provide expectations for student achievement in Florida. The Standards were approved in 1996 and were written in seven subject areas, each divided into four separate grade clusters (PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12). . In the subject areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, the Sunshine State Standards have been expanded to include Grade Level Expectations. Florida's Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) were introduced in 2007 starting with mathematics and science. They are organized by grade level in K— 8, and by content strand in 9—12. These strands do not comprise individual courses, as course descriptions have been created using various strands. The standards were expected to be rigorous and relevant and provide for the logical, sequential progression of core curricular content that incrementally increases a student’s core content knowledge and skills over time. Now the Florida State Board of Education, in a unanimous and unified vote, approved the adoption of the Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts and Mathematics. This approval marks a vital next step on Florida’s long-standing and successful education reform journey by strengthening our curriculum Standards for these critical subjects and laying the groundwork for the comparison of our state’s academic progress with our nation and the world.
Five Minds for the Future (2007)
“We live in a time of vast changes that include accelerating globalization, mounting quantities of information, the dominating influence of science and technology, and the clash of civilizations. Those changes call for new ways of learning and thinking in school, business, and the professions.” -Howard Gardner Five Minds for the Future (2007) Read the slide “We live in a time of vast changes that include accelerating globalization, mounting quantities of information, the dominating influence of science and technology, and the clash of civilizations. Those changes call for new ways of learning and thinking in school, business, and the professions.” -Howard Gardner ‘s book Five Minds for the Future (2007) Say: The Common Core State Standards address the call for new ways of teaching, learning, and thinking!
Common Core States The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort, launched more than two years ago by state leaders, including governors and state commissioners of education from 48 states, 2 territories and the District of Columbia, through their membership in the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).
Florida Transitions to Common Core State Standards
NGSSS CCSS Standards-based instruction Test item specifications guide development of curriculum maps Focus mini-assessments aligned to individual benchmarks and used to monitor student progress Teaching benchmarks in isolation results in long lists of tasks to master Standards-based instruction facilitated by learning goals Big ideas and learning goals guide the development of curriculum maps Learning progressions or scales describe expectations for student progress in attaining the learning goals Assessments used to monitor student progress are aligned directly to the learning progressions or scales Teaching big ideas narrows the focus and allows students to delve deeper for a greater depth of understanding NGSSS – Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics were adopted between 2007 and 2008. CCSS – Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects were adopted by Florida’s State Board of Education in June 2010. This chart shows the comparison of the two.
Standards for College and Career Readiness
Common Core State Standards – A New Foundation for Student Success History of Standards Development Promise of College and Career Ready Students Video Encourage participants to make note of a few key words as they watch the video on Common Core State Standards – A New Foundation for Student Success Achievement Gaps Align Global Career Knowledge Clear Master Collaboration Promise College Relevant Competition Remediation Consistent Research Creativity Rigorous Dialogue Success Economy Tools Evidence Workforce Expectations
What are Common Core State Standards?
Rigorous, research-based standards for mathematics, and English- language arts and literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects for grades K-12 Designed to prepare the nation’s students with the knowledge and skills needed for success in college and the workforce regardless of their zip code. Internationally benchmarked to ensure that students will be globally competitive A clear and consistent educational framework A collaborative effort that builds on the best of current state standards These are some of the characteristics of the Common Core Standards. Read bullet points
Why Transition to Common Core Now?
It better serves our students and teachers. Providing a focus on mastery and not isolated skill development. The CCSS creates a common language for all students and teachers. For many young people. High school wasn’t preparing them for college and career. Federal funding is tied to CCSS adoption, implementation, and accountability. Why transition now. Read bullet points
English Language Arts (ELA) CCSS
English Language Arts Standards (ELA) K-5 Comprehensive 6-12 ELA 6-12 History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects There are two major sets of Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Let’s start with the standards for English Language Arts (ELA) & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. These standards comprise of 3 main sections: a K-5 Comprehensive, 6-12 ELA, and a 6-12 History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Three appendices accompany the CCSS document. One for Research supporting Key elements of the standards Glossary of Key terms Another for text exemplars and sample Performance tasks And the third, samples of student Writing
ELA Strands K-5 ELA- Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language 6-12 ELA- Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language 6-12 History/SS, Science, and Technical Subjects focus on Reading and Writing Each section is divided into strands. K-5 & 6-12 ELA have Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language strands. The 6-12 History/SS, Science, and Technical Subjects focus on Reading and Writing.
Career and Readiness Broad Anchor Standards for Reading
K-8 9-10 11-12 Each Strand is headed by a strand specific set of Career and Readiness Anchor Standards that is identical across all grades and content areas. There are 10 broad Anchor Standards for Reading applied to all types of text. The standards require students to be able to. Read and infer from text; cite evidence from the text to support conclusions Determine themes and summarize key details Analyze text to see how and why individuals, ideas, and events develop and interact Interpret words and phrases in context Analyze text structure Assess point of view and author’s purpose Integrate and evaluate content from various sources and in varied formats Determine the validity of arguments Analyze how two or more texts address similar topics or themes And lastly, read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts We’ll explore more on text complexity this year. Integration of Knowledge & Ideas Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity Key Ideas & Details Craft & Structure
Here are the actual Reading Standards for Literature from the Common Core document. The broader standards are divided into more specific grade-band standards which become more complex and more rigorous as students progress from Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8 to Grades 9-10, and then to Grades Please note that the standards spiral. The fundamental skills for all 10 standards are meant to be mastered in Grades 6-8 and further refined and reinforced in Grades 9-12. Remember, you can access the Literacy Standards on the Common Core State Standards website that I’ll refer to at the end of this presentation. Let’s take a closer look at Grades 3 & 4 and see the progression. CLICK Turn to your neighbor and discuss how item number 3 differs from the previous grade level. Okay, let’s move on to the Writing Standards.
Career and Readiness Broad Anchor Standards for Writing
K-8 9-10 11-12 There are also 10 Anchor Standards within these broad categories for writing. The standards require students to be able to: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis using evidence Write informative/explanatory text Write narratives Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, or audience Plan, edit, revise, and rewrite to strengthen their writing Use technology to produce and publish writing, and to collaborate with others Conduct short-term and long-term research projects Gather information from multiple print and digital sources, assess source credibility and accuracy; and integrate the information into a single finished product Draw evidence from texts to support analysis, reflection, and research Write routinely over short and extended time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences Range of Writing Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Text Types & Purposes
Look at the Writing Standards for Literacy from the Common Core document. Just like the Reading standards, the broader standards are divided into more specific grade band standards which become more complex and more rigorous as students progress in grade levels. Remember, the standards are meant to be mastered in Grades 6-8 and further refined and reinforced in Grades 9-12. Let’s take a closer look at grades 6 & 7 for Writing and see the progression. CLICK At this time, please stop and read over some examples of the Writing Standards.
Instructional Shifts Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
College & Career Ready Students Data Driven Instruction Common Core State Standards Teacher/ Leader Effectiveness There are the instructional shifts that need to take place to properly implement the Common Core State Standards for mathematics and English Language Arts.
Instructional Shifts Implementation of the Common Core State Standards English Language Arts
Shift 1 - K-5, Balancing Informational & Literary Texts Students read a true balance of informational and literary texts. Elementary school classrooms are, therefore, places where students access the world – science, social studies, the arts and literature – through text. At least 50% of what students read is informational. A focus on the Foundational Skills. Shift , Knowledge in the Disciplines Content area teachers outside of the ELA classroom emphasize literacy experiences in their planning and instruction. Students learn through domain-specific texts in science and social studies classrooms – rather than referring to the text, they are expected to learn from what they read.
Instructional Shifts Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Shift 3- Staircase of Complexity In order to prepare students for the complexity of college and career ready texts, each grade level requires a “step” of growth on the “staircase”. Students read the central, grade appropriate text around which instruction is centered. Teachers are patient, create more time and space in the curriculum for this close and careful reading, and provide appropriate and necessary scaffolding and supports so that it is possible for students reading below grade level. Shift 4 - Text-based Answers Students have rich and rigorous conversations which are dependent on a common text. Teachers insist that classroom experiences stay deeply connected to the text on the page and that students develop habits for making evidentiary arguments both in conversation, as well as in writing to assess comprehension of a text.
Instructional Shifts Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Shift 5 - Writing from Sources Writing needs to emphasize use of evidence to inform or make an argument rather than the personal narrative and other forms of decontextualized prompts. While the narrative still has an important role, students develop skills through written arguments that respond to the ideas, events, facts, and arguments presented in the texts they read. Shift 6 - Academic Vocabulary Students constantly build the vocabulary they need to access grade level complex texts. By focusing strategically on comprehension of pivotal and commonly found words (such as “discourse,” “generation,” “theory,” and “principled”) and less on esoteric literary terms (such as “onomatopoeia” or “homonym”), teachers constantly build students’ ability to access more complex texts across the content areas.
What’s in a Title? Everything!
English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Let’s look at the title of the CCSS document for English Language Arts. What stands out to you? it was designed to emphasize the balance between ELA and using literacy (reading an wiring) in the content areas to enhance student learning of each subject –math, science, trucking, refrigeration, physics, or earth sciences. Reading is critical to building knowledge in history/social studies as well as in science and technical subjects. College and career ready reading in these fields requires an appreciation of the norms and conventions of each discipline, such as the kinds of evidence used in history and science; an understanding of domain-specific words and phrases; an attention to precise details; and the capacity to evaluate intricate arguments, synthesize complex information, and follow detailed descriptions of events and concepts. In history/social studies, for example, students need to be able to analyze, evaluate, and differentiate primary and secondary sources.
Page 59 of the ELA Standards
The Standards for Literacy in Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects begin on page 59 of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts document. These standards begin at grade 6; standards for K–5 reading in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are integrated into the K–5 Reading standards. The College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards and high school standards in literacy work in tandem to define college and career readiness expectations—the former providing broad standards, the latter providing additional specificity. Here is a copy of the Reading standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-12 on page 61 of the ELA standards document. Let’s take a close look. CLICK Page 61 the ELA Standards
Writing Page 65 the ELA Standards
The standards begin at grade 6; standards for K–5 writing in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are integrated into the K–5 Writing standards. The College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards and high school standards in literacy work in tandem to define college and career readiness expectations—the former providing broad standards, the latter providing additional specificity. Here is an example of the ELA standards for Writing for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects 6-12. Let’s take a closer look at grades 9-10 and again notice the detail of specificity. CLICK Page 65 the ELA Standards
Mathematics The Common Core State Standards of Mathematics define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs. Now let’s look at the Common Core State Standards of Mathematics. Read bullet point.
Cluster Headings Cluster Headings Cluster Headings Cluster Headings
Domain Cluster Headings Domain Cluster Headings Domain Cluster Headings This page provides an overview of the standards, first organized by domains. Domains describe large groups of related standards. For grade 2, the domains are: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry CLICK Within each domain, you’ll find cluster headings, which describe smaller groups of related standards. For example, within the Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain, there are three cluster headings: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Add and Subtract within 20. Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. Note, the overview includes the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice. Domain Cluster Headings 23
Mathematics for High School
Read bullet points
Instructional Shifts Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Shift 1 – Focus Teachers use the power of the eraser and significantly narrow and deepen the scope of how time and energy is spent in the math classroom. They do so in order to focus deeply on only the concepts that are prioritized in the standards so that students reach strong foundational knowledge and deep conceptual understanding and are able to transfer mathematical skills and understanding across concepts and grades. Shift 2 – Coherence Principals and teachers carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that, for example, fractions or multiplication spiral across grade levels and students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. Teachers can begin to count on deep conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning. There are the instructional shifts that need to take place to properly implement the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Read bullet points
Instructional Shifts Implementation of the Common Core State Standards Mathematics
Shift 3 – Fluency Students are expected to have speed and accuracy with simple calculations; teachers structure class time and/or homework time for students to memorize, through repetition, core functions (found in the attached list of fluencies) such as multiplication tables so that they are more able to understand and manipulate more complex concepts. Shift 4 – Deep Understanding Teachers teach more than “how to get the answer” and instead support students’ ability to access concepts from a number of perspectives so that students are able to see math as more than a set of mnemonics or discrete procedures. Students demonstrate deep conceptual understanding of core math concepts by applying them to new situations. as well as writing and speaking about their understanding. Read bullet points
Instructional Shifts Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Shift 5- Applications Students are expected to use math and choose the appropriate concept for application even when they are not prompted to do so. Teachers provide opportunities at all grade levels for students to apply math concepts in “real world” situations. Teachers in content areas outside of math, particularly science, ensure that students are using math – at all grade levels – to make meaning of and access content. Shift 6 - Dual Intensity Students are practicing and understanding. There is more than a balance between these two things in the classroom – both are occurring with intensity. Teachers create opportunities for students to participate in “drills” and make use of those skills through extended application of math concepts. The amount of time and energy spent practicing and understanding learning environments is driven by the specific mathematical concept and therefore, varies throughout the given school year. Read bullet points
Domains for K-12 Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT)
3 4 5 6 7 8 HS Counting and Cardinality (CC) Number and Quantity Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) The Number System Number and Operations-Fractions (NF) Ratios and Proportional Relationships (RP) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) Functions (F) Expressions and Equations (EE) Algebra Geometry (G) Measurement and Data (MD) Statistics and Probability (SP) This table lists the domains for Kindergarten through grade 12. For each domain, the shaded areas indicate the grade levels where it is addressed. Notice that most of the domains span multiple grades level. Notice the abbreviation for each of the Domains. Counting and Cardinality (CC) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) Number and Operations – Fractions (NF) Ratios and Proportional Relationships (RP) The Number System (NS) Expressions and Equations (EE) Functions (F) Geometry (G) Measurement and Data (MD) Statistics and Probability (SP) Say: The Common Core Standards for Mathematics structure includes Domains, Clusters and Standards. Say: The domains progress over several grades and standards from different domains may sometimes be closely related.
Organization of CCSS for Mathematics
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 1 Use appropriate tools strategically 5 Reason abstractly and quantitatively 2 Attend to precision 6 These are the main headings for the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice. A description of each practice is included in the Common Core document beginning on page 6. These describe mathematical “habits of mind” and connect with content standards in each grade level. Stress that the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices do not stand alone and that they are not intended to be taught as stand alone lessons. The Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices are an integral part of learning and doing mathematics and need to be taught with the same intention and attention as mathematical content. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 3 Look for and make sense of structure 7 Model with mathematics 4 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 8
Standards for Mathematical Practice
The Importance of Mathematical Practices Read the quotation by Professor Bill McCallum, the Coordinator of the Math Team for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The Standards for Mathematical Practice are unique in that they describe how teachers need to teach to ensure their students become mathematically proficient. The Standards for Mathematical Practice are important as they develop dispositions and habits of mind characteristic of an educated person. This includes Precision in thought Precision in the use of language and terms Precision of argument Watch the video with Professor Bill McCallum and Jason Zimba, Coordinators of the Math Team for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics as they discuss the importance of the Standards of Mathematical Practice.
Florida Course Descriptions
The Florida Department of Education is currently; writing, approving & posting the new Course Descriptions The Florida Department of Education is currently; writing, approving & posting the new Course Descriptions. You can tell they are updated by the naming convention. CLICK Let’s take a closer look at the standards. LACC stands for Language Arts Common Core. Grade 1, RL Reading Literature 1. Key Ideas & Details, Corresponding College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard number 1 The SS.1.C.2.1 represents the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Social Studies.
Assessments Now we will focus on the Assessments for these standards.
Measuring Achievement of the Common Core State Standards
Common Core State Standards are critical, but they are just the first step. Common assessments aligned to the Common Core will help ensure the new standards truly reach every classroom. While the Common Core State Standards are a critical first step, they alone will not bring about the instructional changes necessary to improve student achievement and attainment. Creating common assessments grounded in common standards is the logical next step and will ensure the new standards truly reach every classroom Every state develops their own assessments and for that reasons our nation’s assessments: Are of varying quality and rigor and rarely point toward College- and Career-Readiness. Do not provide enough meaningful data for our educators, parents and policymakers Cannot be compared from state to state, ensuring that students in Mass. And Miss. are receiving the same foundation Next generation assessments will: Provide a more complete picture of student performance against college- and career-ready expectations Use current and future technologies to provide a meaningful assessment and useful data Mitigate Challenges associated with mobility—which is a major challenge in education U.S Department of Education set aside $350 million of Race to the Top funding for awards to consortia of states to design and develop common K-12 assessment systems aligned to common, college- and career-ready standards. In Sept. 2010, the U.S. Department of Education awarded grants to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
PARCC Membership PARCC is an alliance of 24 states, educating approximately 25 million students, that are working together to develop a common set of assessments in English and math anchored in what it takes to be ready for college and careers. PARCC is led by 18 governing board states (and D.C.) represented in Dark Blue. CLICK: The state of Florida is serving as PARCC’s fiscal agent. Achieve is the project manager for PARCC, essentially serving as the staff for the consortium and coordinating the work. CLICK: The chair of the governing board is Mitchell Chester, Education Commissioner of Massachusetts, Governing States will pilot and field test the assessment system components over the next three years and administer the new assessment system during the school year. Governing States will use the results from the PARCC assessments in their state accountability systems The chief state school officers of the Governing States serve on the PARCC Governing Board and make decisions on behalf of the Partnership on major policies and operational procedures
K-12 and Postsecondary Roles in PARCC
K-12 Educators & Education Leaders Educators have been and will continue to be involved throughout the development of the PARCC assessments and related instructional and reporting tools to help ensure the system provides the information and resources educators most need Postsecondary Faculty & Leaders More than 200 institutions and systems covering hundreds of campuses across PARCC states have committed to help develop the high school assessments and set the college-ready cut score that will be used to place incoming freshmen This is a state-led initiative, but the input of those in the field will be crucial. That includes both K-12 teachers and leaders, as well as faculty and leaders from the higher education community.
Common Core State Standards English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Begin Implementation of Literacy Standards for all Content Areas Grades K-1 Begin Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-1 Begin Lesson Study Model at grades 6-8 (Science) Full Implementation Grades K-1 Begin Implementation of Literacy Standards for all Content Areas Grades 2-12 Begin Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades 2-12 Begin use of Lesson Study Model for integration of CCSS for other Grades Full Implementation of Literacy Standards for all Content Areas Grades K-12 Continue Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades 2-12 Continue use of Lesson Study Model for integration of CCSS for Grades K-12 Full Implementation Grades K-12 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers (PARCC) Assessments Aligned to CCSS Here is a broad timeline for the implementation and integration of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for Citrus County. Field testing of the PARCC may begin as soon as this year for some schools in the PARCC membership. “Begin Implementation” implies the unpacking and understanding by teachers of the standards and Full Implementation; teaching the standards. Timeline
Common Core State Standards Mathematics
Begin Implementation of the Standards for Mathematical Practice Grades K-1 Begin Identification of Mathematical Domains and Critical Areas for Grades K-1 Begin Lesson Study Model at grades 6-8 (Mathematics and Science) Full Implementation Grades K-1 Begin Implementation of the Standards for Mathematical Practice Grades 2-12 Begin Identification of Mathematical Domains and Critical Areas for Grades 2-12 Begin use of Lesson Study Model for integration of CCSS for other Grades Full Implementation of Mathematics Common Core State Standards for Grades K-12 Continue use of Lesson Study Model for integration of CCSS for Grades K-12 Full Implementation of Mathematics Common Core State Standards for Grades K-12 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers (PARCC) Assessments Aligned to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Administration takes place Here is a broad timeline for the implementation and integration of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics for Citrus County. Timeline
Digital Resources for Common Core
Apple Android Common Core State Standards CCSB: I referenced the location for the CCSS resources. These apps serve as a great reference for students, parents, and teachers to easily read and understand the core standards. The Apple app includes the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics K-12, and the English Language Arts K-12 Standards. In addition the Apple app include Resources such as the Standards for Mathematical Practices. The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics can be found at You can download a PDF from this website. The district has also generated a Common Core website listed here and will be updated periodically.
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