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COMMUNICATION By Rayne Aguilar, Dana Baldonado, Pam De Lange, Jeremy Tiongco and Eric Park.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION By Rayne Aguilar, Dana Baldonado, Pam De Lange, Jeremy Tiongco and Eric Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATION By Rayne Aguilar, Dana Baldonado, Pam De Lange, Jeremy Tiongco and Eric Park

2 Did you ever wonder what communication was before telephones? My grandfather once told me, what communication was in his time. Communication now is used with cellular phones, but in his time, what do you think they used?

3  Communication before the telephone was consisted of messages carried by the postal office  Meaning, lives before were very harsh cause they need to go to the post office just to send a note, or a letter to people they want to message to, unlike now, we can send messages in mere seconds Life before the Telephone

4 History of the telephone Im about to show you guys the history of the telephone

5 Year 1900-1905 First mass-marketed camera, 'The Kodak Brownie' The Wireless Telegraph Trading Signal Co. Ltd changes its name to the 'Marconi Telegraph Co.' Marconi gets his English patent for his tuning equipment. The Car radio is invented by Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian engineer working in London. It was used for wireless telegraphy experiments Marconi builds a radio station in Glace bay, it is during the trip that he discovers the harmful influence of solar radiation tramissions, it creates a magnetic detector Working from Edison’s discovery, his discovery the radio wave detector opens the door to advanced radio commmunication, he builds “the Rotating Oscilator” and discovers the directive properties of the antenna The “aerial” antenna is first tested to the radio station in Glace bay, this could help on radio communication at world war 1

6 1906-1911  Lee De Forest invented “AUDION” something that can detect and generate, detect and amplify radio waves, it revolutionizes radio communications providing the first technology for loud and clear radio transmission of the human voice, the first radio broadcast was created  The De Forest 4th Avenue Radio Telephone Company in New York begins a program of regular radio broadcasts, consisting entirely of gramophone music At a rate of fifteen cents per word, the public can send messages across the Atlantic. This is made possible by the first transatlantic radio-telegraph stations, based in Glace Bay, Canada and Clifden, Ireland.  The Calvary Brigade of the British Army forms a wireless company to handle communication on the field. Direct telephone links to New York, Denver Colorado are established

7 1912-1921  The heterodyne radio receiver is invented, it generates its own signal.  British scientist John Gott invents a system that uses current reversals for telegraph transmissions  Guglielmo Marconi experiments successfully using the triode thermionic valve, the birth of radiophony.  Ray Kellog invents the electronic speaker, the wireless telegraph begins between Japan and US  The development of aerial communication is given a boost when Major C.E. Prince demonstrates his wireless telephone  An indispensable aid to long-distance wireless communication is created  KDKA, a small radio station in Pittsburgh begins broadcasting on November 2. The world's first commercial radio station,  Even sports got transmitted all over the stations, especially the US

8 1922  Alexander Graham Bell Dies at Nova Scotia, on his funeral, all US and Canadian telephone is temporary disconnected to honor the man who revolutionized human communication

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