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Systems Development Lifecycle Testing and Documentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Systems Development Lifecycle Testing and Documentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems Development Lifecycle Testing and Documentation

2 Learning Objectives State testing strategies that would be employed in implementing the new system. Identify improvements that could be needed as a result of testing. Identify the components of technical documentation for an information system. Identify the components of user documentation for an information system.

3 System Development Lifecycle

4 Development and Testing Phase

5 Test data Normal data Data well within the limits of what should be accepted. Extreme data Data at the limits of what should be accepted. Abnormal data Data that should not be accepted.

6 Improvements Did the implementation and real / live data testing reveal any problems? Make the necessary changes and test again.

7 Documentation Phase

8 User Documentation So user will know how to use the system. So user can cope with problems. So that user knows how to set up the system.

9 User Documentation Purpose and limitations Hardware and software requirements How to use the system Input and output formats Sample runs Error messages Trouble-shooting guide

10 Technical Documentation So that modifications to the system/program can be made. In case original programmer/analyst is unavailable errors can be corrected. So that system can be re-installed in the event of system failure.

11 Technical Documentation Program coding Program flowcharts System flowcharts Hardware and software requirements File structures List of variables Validation routines

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