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Relations and Functions

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1 Relations and Functions
Algebra II Relations and Functions

2 VOCABULARY 1. For every input of a function there is exactly/at least/at most one output.

3 Relation (noun) ree LAY shun
VOCABULARY Relation (noun) ree LAY shun Related words: input, output, domain, range, function Definition: A relation is a set of ordered pairs of input and output values. Examples: {(0,1),(2,3),(0,4)} 𝒇 𝒙 = 𝒙 𝟐

4 RELATION Input (domain) {(0,1), (2,3), (0,4)} Output (range)

5 Circle the output values in the relation.
{(1,0), (-2,3), (3,2), (5, -4)}

6 Write the domain of the relation.
{(-2,3), (-2,1), (5, 4)} {−2,5}

7 There are 4 different ways to represent a relation:
Mapping diagram Ordered pairs Table Graph

8 Representing a Relation
The average water temperature of the Gulf of Mexico in Key West, Florida varies during the year. In January, the average water temperature is 69 𝑜 F; in February, 70 𝑜 F; in March 75 𝑜 F; and in April, 78 𝑜 F. How can you represent this relation in four different ways?

9 Mapping Diagram Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 69 ____ 70 75 78
The average water temperature of the Gulf of Mexico in Key West, Florida varies during the year. In January, the average water temperature is 69 𝑜 F; in February, 70 𝑜 F; in March 75 𝑜 F; and in April, 78 𝑜 F. How can you represent this relation in four different ways? Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 69 ____ 70 75 78

10 70 75 78 {(Jan., 69), (Feb, ___), (Mar., ___), (Apr., ___)}
Ordered pairs The average water temperature of the Gulf of Mexico in Key West, Florida varies during the year. In January, the average water temperature is 69 𝑜 F; in February, 70 𝑜 F; in March 75 𝑜 F; and in April, 78 𝑜 F. How can you represent this relation in four different ways? 70 75 78 {(Jan., 69), (Feb, ___), (Mar., ___), (Apr., ___)}

11 x (Month) y ( 𝒐 𝑭 ) Jan. 69 Feb. 70 Mar. 75 Apr. 78 Table
The average water temperature of the Gulf of Mexico in Key West, Florida varies during the year. In January, the average water temperature is 69 𝑜 F; in February, 70 𝑜 F; in March 75 𝑜 F; and in April, 78 𝑜 F. How can you represent this relation in four different ways? x (Month) y ( 𝒐 𝑭 ) Jan. 69 Feb. 70 Mar. 75 Apr. 78

12 The average water temperature of the Gulf of Mexico in Key West, Florida varies during the year. In January, the average water temperature is 69 𝑜 F; in February, 70 𝑜 F; in March 75 𝑜 F; and in April, 78 𝑜 F. How can you represent this relation in four different ways? Graph

13 What is the domain and range of this relation?
{(-3, 14), (0, 7), (2, 0), (9, -18), (23, -99)} First the set of x- coordinates: Domain: {-3, 0, 2, 9, 23} Range: {-99, -18, 0, 7, 14} Then the set of y- coordinates:

14 The set of x-coordinates is the ________ of the relation.
domain The set of x-coordinates is the ________ of the relation. range The set of y-coordinates is the ________ of the relation.

15 Identifying Functions
Circle the range values that correspond to domain value 2. Domain Range 2 3 4 6 -3 -1 3 6

16 True or False? Every element of the input corresponds to exactly one element of the range. TRUE

17 FALSE True or False? The relation is a function. 2 -3 3 -1 4 3 6 6
Domain Range 2 3 4 6 -3 -1 3 6 FALSE

18 Vertical line test NO YES!! NO
A relation is a function if it can pass the vertical line test. Which means when the relation is on a graph you can not draw a straight vertical line and touch more than one point. NO YES!! NO

19 Use the vertical line test. Which graph(s) represent(s) a function?

20 Underline the correct word(s) to complete the sentence.
If a vertical line passes through more than one point on a graph, the graph represents/does not represent a function.

21 For 𝑓 𝑥 =−4𝑥+1, what is 𝑓(−2)? Circle the given input. 2 −2 𝑥 −𝑥
Function Notation For 𝑓 𝑥 =−4𝑥+1, what is 𝑓(−2)? Circle the given input. 2 −2 𝑥 −𝑥

22 Substitute the input into the function rule and simplify:
𝑓 𝑥 =−4𝑥+1; 𝑓(−2) 𝑓 =−4( )+1 = −2 −2 +8+1 =9

23 Writing and Evaluating a Function
You are buying bottles of a sports drink mix for a softball team. Each bottle costs $ What function rule models the total cost of a purchase? Evaluate the function for 15 bottles.

24 Writing and Evaluating a Function
You are buying bottles of a sports drink mix for a softball team. Each bottle costs $ What function rule models the total cost of a purchase? Evaluate the function for 15 bottles. Let c = ?. Circle your choice. cost per bottle cost of 15 bottles number of bottles bought total cost

25 Writing and Evaluating a Function
You are buying bottles of a sports drink mix for a softball team. Each bottle costs $ What function rule models the total cost of a purchase? Evaluate the function for 15 bottles. Then 𝑓 𝑐 = ? Circle your choice. cost per bottle cost of 15 bottles number of bottles bought total cost

26 Writing and Evaluating a Function
You are buying bottles of a sports drink mix for a softball team. Each bottle costs $ What function rule models the total cost of a purchase? Evaluate the function for 15 bottles. Relate: TOTAL COST is COST PER BOTTLE times NUMBER OF BOTTLES BOUGHT Write: 𝑓 _______ =$___________ * _______ c 1.19 c

27 Writing and Evaluating a Function
You are buying bottles of a sports drink mix for a softball team. Each bottle costs $ What function rule models the total cost of a purchase? Evaluate the function for 15 bottles. Evaluate at 15 bottles: 𝑓 𝑐 =1.19∗𝑐 𝑓 15 =1.19 ∗15 𝑓 15 =17.85 So it will cost $17.85 for 15 bottles.

28 Lesson Check Error Analysis: Your friend writes, “In a function, every vertical line must intersect the graph in exactly one point.” Explain your best friends error and rewrite his statement so that it is correct.

29 Lesson Check Draw a vertical line on each graph that does not intersect the function.

30 Lesson Check Error Analysis: Your friend writes, “In a function, every vertical line must intersect the graph in exactly one point.” Explain your best friends error and rewrite his statement so that it is correct. In a function, a vertical line must intersect the graph in exactly one point.

31 Math Success Check off the vocabulary words you understand. □relation □function □domain □range Rate how well you can represent and interpret functions. NEED TO REVIEW 2 4 6 8 10 NOW I GET IT!

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