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● What were the two reasons the king was afraid of the Israelites?

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Presentation on theme: "● What were the two reasons the king was afraid of the Israelites?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ● What were the two reasons the king was afraid of the Israelites?

2 They had become too numerous. And he was afraid they would join Egypt’s enemies to fight against them.

3 ● What did Pharaoh order the Hebrew midwives to do?

4 ● Kill all the baby boys.

5 ● Who adopted Moses?

6 ● Pharaoh's daughter

7 ● What did Moses do that caused Pharaoh to want to kill him, leading Moses to flee Egypt?

8 ● He killed an Egyptian.

9 ● What were the 4 excuses Moses gave God for not wanting to go to Pharaoh?

10 1. Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh? 3:11 2. What if they ask me who sent me? 3:13 3. What if they do not believe me? 4:1 4. I am slow of speech and tongue

11 ● When Moses first went to Pharaoh and said “Let my people go”, What did Pharaoh do to the Israelites?

12 ● Made them work harder

13 ● When Moses told God the people might ask who sent him, God responded by saying my name is YHWH, which in English is ____________.

14 ● When Moses told God the people might ask who sent him, God responded by saying my name is YHWH, which in English is I AM.

15 ● The Israelites were supposed to originally celebrate Passover for a week. On the first day the were supposed to remove all _______ from their house. It symbolized sin.

16 ● The Israelites were supposed to originally celebrate Passover for a week. On the first day the were supposed to remove all yeast from their house. It symbolized sin.

17 ● Which two plagues were Pharaoh’s magicians able to duplicate?

18 ● Blood and Frogs

19 ● The 4 th and 5 th plagues (flies and cattle) affected only the land of Egypt, but not the land of ________?

20 ● The 4 th and 5 th plagues (flies and cattle) affected only the land of Egypt, but not the land of Goshen.

21 ● The Egyptian magicians were unable to duplicate the plague of gnats. The said the _______________ has done this.

22 ● The Egyptian magicians were unable to duplicate the plague of gnats. The said the the finger of God has done this.

23 ● The 10 th plague was to kill every firstborn male in the land except for the people who did what?

24 ● Sprinkled blood on the door posts.

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