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How To Build a Testing Project 1 Onyx Gabriel Rodriguez.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Build a Testing Project 1 Onyx Gabriel Rodriguez."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Build a Testing Project 1 Onyx Gabriel Rodriguez

2 Agenda Building a testing project Case Study

3 Building a testing project

4 Steps to build a testing project 1.Assessing Project Plan Assess Project Estimate Assess Development Process 2.Building a Software Testing strategy Establishing a testing Policy Establishing a test strategy

5 Building a testing project Steps to build a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Acquire and study the test strategy Determine the type of development project Determine the type of Software System Determine the Project scope Identify the Tactical Risks Determine When Testing Should Occur Build the System Test Plan (Test Tactics) Build the Unit Test Plan

6 Building a testing project 1. Assessing Project Plan If information technology does not determine the order in which they deliver completed pieces of software. It is impossible to schedule and conduct appropriate tests. The development team defines and documents the requirements for implementation purposes, and the test team uses those requirements for the purpose of testing the system. Assess Project Estimate: –Project estimate is performed by Project Managers

7 Building a testing project 1. Assessing Project Plan Assess Development Process –The traditional six phases of the software development life cycle are: Initiation – Phase 1 Definition – Phase II System Design – Phase III Programming and Training – Phase IV Evaluation and Acceptance – Phase V Installation and Operation – Phase VI

8 Building a testing project 1. Assessing Project Plan Assess Development Process –Keep in mind that some projects may tweak the standard software development life cycle to meet their own needs.

9 Building a testing project 2. Building Software Testing Strategy Establishing a Testing Policy –A testing policy is management’s definition of testing for a department –Testing policy should be the cornerstone of the test plan –A good practice is for management to establish the testing policy for the IT department, then have all members of IT management sign that policy as their endorsement and intention to enforce that testing policy. –Criteria of the testing policy: Definition of Testing Testing System Measurement of testing Testing Standards

10 Building a testing project Testing Policy Example

11 Building a testing project 2. Building Software Testing Strategy Establishing a Test Strategy –The strategy must address the risks and present a process that can reduce those risks. –The components are: Test Factor –The test factors are not risks, they are attributes of the software that if they are wanted and not present, pose a risk to the success of the software and thus constitute a business risk. Test Phase – Phase of the systems development life cycle.

12 Building a testing project 2. Building Software Testing Strategy Establishing a Test Strategy –Test Factors: Correctness File Integrity Authorization Audit trail Continuity of Processing Service levels Access control Compliance Reliability Ease of use

13 Building a testing project 2. Building Software Testing Strategy Establishing a Test Strategy –Test Factors: Maintainability Portability Coupling Performance Ease of operation –Test Phase: The test phase will vary. For example the test phases in a traditional waterfall life cycle methodology will be different from the phases in a Rapid Application Development methodology

14 Building a testing project 2. Building Software Testing Strategy Establishing a Test Strategy –The four steps to develop a customized test strategy are: 1- Select and Rank Test Factors 2.- Identify the system development phases 3.- Identify the Business Risks associated with the System under Development 4- Place Risks in the Matrix

15 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Acquire and study the test strategy –The test strategy is normally developed by a team very familiar with the business risks associated with the software –In this study the test team should be asking: What is the relationship of importance among the test factors? Which of the high-level risks are the most significant? What damage can be done to the business if the software is not completed on time?

16 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Determine the Type of Development Project –The type of project refers to the environment/methodology in which the software will be developed Traditional System Development Iterative development/prototyping/CASE System maintenance Purchased/contracted software

17 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Determine the Type of Software System –The type of software system refers to the processing that will be performed by that system Batch (General) Event control Process Control Procedure Control Database management Pattern and image processing Computer system software

18 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Determine the Project Scope –The project scope refers to the totality of activities to be incorporated into the software system being tested- the range of system requirements/specifications to be understood

19 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Identify the Tactical Risks –Strategic Risks are the high-level business risks faced by the software systems; tactical risks are subsets at a lower level of the strategic risks –Tactical risks are divided into three categories: Structural risks Technical risks Size risks

20 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Determine When Testing Should Occur –Testing can and should occur throughout the phases of the project Requirements Design Program (Build/Construction) Test Process Installation Maintenance

21 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Build the System Test Plan –A tactical test plan must be developed to describe when and how testing will occur. –This test plan will provide background information on the software being tested, on the test objectives and risks, as well as on the business functions to be tested and the tests to be performed.

22 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Build the System Test Plan (Test Tactics) –Test Plan –Testing Techniques –Testing Tools Note: More details on this phase will be covered on ‘Building a Testing Project Part 2’ presentation.

23 Building a testing project 3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology Build the Unit Test Plan –During internal design, the system is divided into the components or units that perform the detailed processing. –Each of these units should have its own test plan.

24 Building a testing project Testing Life Cycle Once a testing methodology has been established, the test team should rely on the testing life cycle. The testing life cycle is comprised of the following processes: –Risk Analysis –Planning Process –Test Design –Test Execution –Defect Tracking and Management –Quantitative Measurement –Test status and reporting

25 Case Study Based on Testing Life Cycle

26 Risk Analysis- Assessing Project Plan

27 Case Study Project Plan

28 Test Planning- Testing Policy

29 Case Study Testing Policy

30 Risk Analysis - Test Strategy

31 Case Study Test Strategy

32 Case Study Test Strategy

33 Case Study Test Strategy

34 Case Study Test Strategy

35 Case Study Test Strategy

36 Risk Analysis- Traceability Matrix

37 Case Study Traceability Matrix

38 Test Planning - Test Plan

39 Case Study Test Plan

40 Test Planning - QA Schedule

41 Case Study Test Plan-QA Schedule

42 Test Design- Test Matrix, Test Data, Test Cases, Peer Reviews

43 Case Study Test Matrix

44 Case Study Test Cases

45 Case Study Peer Reviews

46 Test Execution- Test Readiness Review, Test Execution Log


48 Case Study Test Readiness Review

49 Case Study Test Execution Log

50 Defect Tracking and Management- Triage Reports, Defect Tool

51 Case Study Triage Report

52 Case Study Defect Tool FIDO provided its own defect tool. FIDO tracked its defects using Microsoft Share Point.

53 Test Reporting- Test Results Reports, Status Reports

54 Case Study Test Report – Part 1

55 Case Study Test Report – Part 2

56 Case Study Test Report – Part 3

57 Case Study Weekly Status Report

58 Post Mortem

59 Case Study Post Mortem

60 Reference CSTE Preparation guide Effective Methods for Software Testing

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