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The Places We Live

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1 The Places We Live

2 There are 3 different types of indicators that can help you decide the development of a country: Economic, Social, and Demographic indicators.

3 Economic: GDP, Technology, Communication, Imports and Exports, Economic Systems, worker productivity, Raw materials (natural resources etc.), Industrial Capabilities, Modes of Farming, and Urban vs. Rural Centers Social: Education, Health Care, Literacy Rate, Welfare Government Types Demographic: Life Expectancy, Infant Mortality Rate, Crude birth rate, Population

4 Terms to know when dealing with Nations’ development:
The 4 Economic Systems The 10 Government types GDP: total output value of goods and services produced in a country in one year GNP: includes income people earn abroad Embargo: one country’s refusal to trade with another country Export: goods sent to other countries Import: goods accepted from other countries Industry: manufacturing goods in a factory Infant Mortality Rate: number of infant deaths per 1,000 births Life Expectancy: average # of years an infant is expected to live Literacy Rate: percentage of a country’s people who can read and write (15 yrs and older) Per-Capita: per person Subsistence Farming: producing food for consumption by family Commercial farming: producing food for sale off the farm

5 Developed: nations with established agriculture and industry, advanced technology, and strong educational system.  $10,000 + GDP per capita Region examples: Western Europe Characteristics * Mixed/Market Economy * Natural Resources * Democratic Government * High Literacy Rate * Good Education * Major Urban Areas * Good Health Care * Imports and Exports * Manufacturing /Industry * Telephone and Technology * High Life Expectancy * Commercial farming

6 Developing: limited resources that faces obstacles in achieving modern industrial economies
E $4,500 - GDP per capita Region examples: Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia, Latin America, and Middle East ***(3/4 of the world) Characteristics: * Command + Free Enterprise * Natural Resources (few) * Subsistence Farming * Low Literacy Rate * Few Manufacturing /Industry * Migration from rural to cities * Poor Education * Mainly Import * Poor Health Services * Little Technology * Poverty & Unemployment * Low Life Expectancy

7 Essential Questions: Why are natural resources and energy important to development? Why is GDP a good economic indicator? What are some geographical patterns when looking at development? Why is a government so influential in development?

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