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Main Truth: God controls the rise and fall of individuals and nations to accomplish His plan. Principles: i. Neither wealth nor wordly power leads to godliness.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Truth: God controls the rise and fall of individuals and nations to accomplish His plan. Principles: i. Neither wealth nor wordly power leads to godliness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Truth: God controls the rise and fall of individuals and nations to accomplish His plan. Principles: i. Neither wealth nor wordly power leads to godliness. ii. No amount of persecution can ever destroy God’s people. iii. It is foolish to fight against God’s plan.

2 Isaiah 44:3, “I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground”

3 I. The Parents of Moses II. The Birth of Moses III. Moses’ Rescue by Pharaoh’s Daughter

4  Lived in Pagan Environment  Lived in Pagan Environment implied by first 2 of the 10 commandments, which forbid the worship of other god and the of even the true God by images. godly remnants  Jochebed means “the honor of Jehovah” and Aram “exalted people”, godly remnants. Both “aram” and “jochebed” are spiritually meaningful names. ▪(EXODUS 6:24)

5 God chooses and prepares His leaders to accomplish His plan, (& peace be with you who are praying for your parents to be saved), God’s selection starts with our parents!

6  If you are going to be used of God, and if you are to raise children who will be used of God, you may have to be different from those around you. True to the Lord when most others are not. These are the people God can use as “parents”, to produce men that He can use.


8  God’s Purpose upon BIRTH Isaac – Gen 24:4 Jacob – Mother is Rebekah Gen 24:12-15 Fast forward v.29 Laban brother of Rebekah Gen 25:21-23 Joseph: Gen 30:22-24 Gen 37:18-21, 26-28, 41:41

9  Moses belonged to an Alien Race  Moses belonged to an Oppressed Race  Moses was born at a time of Unusual trouble  Moses was the child of BELIEVING parents.  By faith, Moses’ parents hid him for 3 months after he was born. Because they saw he was no ordinary child and not afraid of the king’s edict.

10 Moses was no “ordinary child” (Acts 7:20, Hebrews 11:23)  Exodus 2:2, a fine child  Original Hebrew/Greek Language “exceptional”, “divinely fair”, well-born  The parents saw something special about Moses (as every mother is), but they must have perceived that the hand of God was on him in a special way.

11 proper child: proper is the translation of a Greek word “Beautiful in God’s sight”.  Acts 7:20, Hebrews 11:23, by FAITH Moses, when he was born, was hid for 3 months of his parents, because they saw (now notice) he was a proper child: proper is the translation of a Greek word “Beautiful in God’s sight”.  He was beautiful before God  FAITH SEES! …by FAITH they hid bec. they “saw”  FAITH in GOD makes us see far beyond we can imagine and explain that a human mind can comprehend.  FAITH=RELATIONSHIP (LEVI)

12 Moses was no “ordinary child” (Acts 7:20, Hebrews 11:23)  Hidden in 3 months! – they trusted God more than they feared the king’s edict.  Jochebed herself waited anxiously but with true faith to see what God would do to save Moses. Expectant heart that God would save Moses.

13  Moses’ mother planned carefully and trusted God.  Is there a time in your life where you planned carefully but also trusted God for the outcome?  God protected Moses.  How has God kept you safe? “saved”? We are saved for a purpose; a “moses” saved to lead to Christ God’s chosen people out of slavery of sin.


15 A. Pharaoh’s Daughter: God is the God of Providence, the God of EVERY circumstance, however, great or small. He directed the steps of Pharaoh’s daughter who came to the Nile to bathe at this very spot and at this moment.

16 B. Jochebed’s Reward: “Not my will but Thine be done” placing her infant son in God’s hands. More than anything else in her life, Jochebed wanted to keep, love, raise her son. As a result of casting his son upon God, she received him back to raise as her own and God even paid her wages while she did so. PRINCIPLE: EXERCISING FAITH IS NOT DOING NOTHING BUT DOING MUCH, IT IS A THOUGHTFUL ACTION OF FAITH THAT GOD BLESSED.

17 C. The meaning of Moses’ Name (2:10) Given by Pharaoh’s daughter because as she said, “ I drew him out of the water” The name is Hebrew “Mosheh” meaning “drawn out” Mes/mesu means “one born” “seh” means lake, Mes-seh meaning “One born of the Nile”

18 1) Providence 2) Faith 3) Great Events from Small Beginnings 4) The importance of the Remnant

19 He directed the steps of Pharaoh’s daughter to the river, He ordered the baby’s tears; He softened the highborn lady’s heart to care for him, surely: The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs like a watercourse wherever he pleases (Proverbs 21:1)

20 providential circumstances of your life  God is at work in the providential circumstances of your life, even though you never see anything approaching a miracle or a supernatural answer to your prayers. Job 13:15, “ Though he slay me, yet I will hope in Him”  Will you recognize His work and thank Him for it? Trust Him, even when details of your life don’t seem to be going well? Job 13:15, “ Though he slay me, yet I will hope in Him”

21 expect attempt  We should expect great things of God and attempt great things for God, as have all who have achieved faith victories.  How can you exercise faith in God?  What can you attempt for Him in your circumstances? to cooperate with God. There is no more important work than to cooperate with God.

22  The birth of a baby to a slave couple in dangerous circumstances.  This baby turned out to be a great emancipator and lawgiver the world has ever know. His story was a story of the founding of a nation.  A story, type of Christ, born of poor family in a remote area of the then roman world, saved from the edict of King Herod, and became the world’s Savior.

23  Our days maybe a day of small things, but none of us knows the outcome when we start to serve God in some area.  Who can tell what God will do?  Who can tell what things He may accomplish from your small beginnings?

24 These then 2 innocent kids protected, prepared, and called in His time to be a Dleader by God!

25  You will discover that the people God is using are very seldom those that the world would choose. They will be people the world overlooks, because it is the “foolish things..the weak things… and the despised things that God uses to display His wisdom and reveal His righteousness. (1 Corinthians 1;26-31)  When you have found them, get along side with them, work with them and see what God will do!


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