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 Make an Observation  Then Ask a Question!  Perform research about your question  Use only credible sources .edu,.gov,.org  Cite your resources!

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Presentation on theme: " Make an Observation  Then Ask a Question!  Perform research about your question  Use only credible sources .edu,.gov,.org  Cite your resources!"— Presentation transcript:


2  Make an Observation  Then Ask a Question!

3  Perform research about your question  Use only credible sources .edu,.gov,.org  Cite your resources!

4  Hypothesis = your question put into an “If….then…” format  Set up your experiment  Materials  Procedure or “recipe”  Data = Results  Use tables, graphs, charts to show your data!

5  Independent Variable = manipulated variable  Dependent Variable = the results  Extraneous (confounding) Variables = variables that cannot be held constant  The control (constant) = the unmodified group (stays the same)

6  One is which there is a control group  Only change one variable at a time

7  Explain your data  State whether your hypothesis was proven or disproven  Discuss what went well or wrong  Discuss what you will do differently (or the same) next time

8  Line graph = change over time  X axis = independent variable  Y axis = dependent variable

9  Comparing Data:  Bar Graphs  Pie Charts

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