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Vocabulary Instruction Kindergarten December 1, 2014 Escontrias Elementary.

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1 Vocabulary Instruction Kindergarten December 1, 2014 Escontrias Elementary

2 elephant is a very big animal. It is a mammal. The elephant at the zoo was walking around it’s area.

3 hive is a shelter for a colony of bees. Bees make hives to store honey and feed themselves in the winter.

4 insect is an animal whose body is divided into 3 parts. Some insects may be annoying and bother us but they are useful in our world.

5 whale is a very large sea animal. Blue whales are the largest animals on Earth. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant.

6 luggage is a suitcase or baggage We packed our clothes when we went to San Antonio to visit our relatives.

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