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Vocabulary#4 By: Hanchu Zhang. meanings 1. Segment – n. a separate piece of something; a part segment – v. to separate into parts 2. Hind – adj. behind.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary#4 By: Hanchu Zhang. meanings 1. Segment – n. a separate piece of something; a part segment – v. to separate into parts 2. Hind – adj. behind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary#4 By: Hanchu Zhang

2 meanings 1. Segment – n. a separate piece of something; a part segment – v. to separate into parts 2. Hind – adj. behind 3. Diverse – adj. many different diversity – n. having many different members 4.Variety – n. diversity vary – v. to make differences to to show changes 5. Exoskeleton – n. a shell or covering outside an insect 6. Protect – v. to keep safe protection – n. safety 7. Mimic – v. to copy other’s characteristics or behaviors mimicry – n. an act of copying 8. Pollinate – v. to carry pollen from male to female part of flower 9. Decompose – v. to break down into smaller chemical parts 10. Pest – n. an animal or insect that causes problems for people, especially by damaging crops, vegetables, and fruits.

3 1. segment n. a separate piece of something; a part This is a segment of a puzzle.

4 segment v. to separate into parts I will segment the water and the oil.

5 2. Hind adj. behind When child get scared, they like to hind their parents.

6 3.diverse adj. many different There is diverse of the food.

7 diversity n. having many different members There is a lot of diversity in one country.

8 4.variety – n. diversity There is a lot of variety of animals.

9 vary v. to make differences to show changes We need to vary the water.

10 5.exoskeleton n. a shell or covering outside an insect A lot of insects has exoskeleton.

11 6.protect v. to keep safe I need to protect my brother when somebody trying to punch him.

12 protection n. safety Policeman always give the protection of the city.

13 7.mimic v. to copy other’s characteristics or behaviors Insects like to mimic to plants so the animals will not found them.

14 mimicry n. an act of copying It is call mimicry when an insects is looking like something else.

15 8. Pollinate –v. to carry pollen from male to female part of flower Bees are the pollinate of the flowers.

16 9. Decompose v. to break down into smaller chemical parts Scientists always decompose the small materials.

17 10.pest n. an animal or insect that causes problems for people, especially by damaging crops, vegetables, and fruits. Aphid always damage the products of cotton.

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