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Mrs. Leymann And Mrs. Goss

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Leymann And Mrs. Goss"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Leymann And Mrs. Goss
Welcome to 3rd Grade! Mrs. Leymann And Mrs. Goss

2 Meet the Team Emily Leymann– Math & Science
Jamie Goss– Language Arts & Social Studies Subject area lessons follow the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) or the GPS curriculum

3 Math Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers Fractions and Decimals Geometry and Measurement Data Analysis Algebra

4 Science Heat Pollution Habitats Rocks, Soil, and Fossils Magnets

5 Language Arts Writing Workshop Units: Narrative, Informational, Persuasive Reading Workshop Framework covers comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary. Grammar: parts of speech, subject/verb agreement, capitalization, punctuation… Word Study: prefixes, suffixes, synonyms and antonyms, homophones, multiple meaning words, figurative language…

6 Social Studies Historical Americans Economics Map Skills
Branches and Levels of Government Ancient Greece Major U.S. Rivers and Mountains

7 Standardized Testing CogAT: Cognitive Abilities
October ITBS: Iowa Test of Basic Skills CRCT: Criterion Referenced Competency Test April 2014 Students will be assessed in Reading, English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. One test per day

8 Homework Policy It is expected that students complete homework nightly (Mon-Thurs). Work not turned in on time may have points deducted for each day the assignment is late. If a student has missed class due to an excused absence, the student will be allowed to complete the missed work. Please review your child’s agenda and behavior sheet nightly. Students should check their homework folder (orange) nightly.

9 Absence Policy Excused absences are only for illness, religious holidays, and death in the family. Missed work will be given to the student when he/she returns to school. Pleasure trips are considered "unexcused" absences.   Teachers will be glad to save missed work, but will not be able to give it to the student before the absence. The school is required to report repeated unexcused absences to a social worker.

10 Absence Policy (continued)
Instruction begins at 7:45 a.m. Homeroom time is from 7:25 – 7:45 a.m. This is an important transition time for children. Ideally, students should arrive by 7:30. The school is required to report repeated unexcused tardies to a social worker.

11 Home/School Communication
To access our teacher web pages: Go to Click on faculty and staff, click third grade, click teacher name T.I.P. (Tiger Information Packet) envelope are sent home each Thursday. Please check envelope carefully Please sign weekly conduct sheet in the front of the agenda Please sign reading logs on Thursdays as well (found in the back of the agenda). will provide up-to-date information about school events.

12 Home/School Communication
Please communicate with us via or written note. Notes must be sent if your child is going home in a way other than stated in the dismissal agreement. Please sign and include a telephone number within your note. If you have an urgent dismissal change, please call the front office ( ) to leave a message for your homeroom teacher. If you need to communicate with your child during the school day or drop off a forgotten lunch, please do this at the office.

13 Agenda Planners It is the responsibility of each student to record homework assignments into his/her agenda planner. Please check your child’s agenda planner for homework, notes, comments, etc. nightly.

14 Online Textbooks The Math, Social Studies, and Science textbooks can be accessed online. Access codes are available on our websites.                       

15 Classroom Rules Cooperate with your teacher and classmates by following directions. Respect the rights and property of others. This includes keeping your body to yourself and speaking in a respectful manner. Work hard and have a good attitude.

16 Behavior Check Sheet Students have a behavior check sheet stapled into the front of their agendas. This tool allows the teachers and parents to communicate daily regarding student behaviors. Please initial these Thursdays. Detailed information regarding the progression of events leading to checks can be found in the brochure. If a student receives a yellow card in the cafeteria it will be stapled into the agenda and the student will receive a checkmark on the behavior sheet.

17 Behavior Check Sheet

18 County Progress Reports and Report Cards
Conduct grades are as follows: S = Satisfactory N = Needs improvement (you will have received notification prior to this grade; such as checks on the weekly report, s, and/or conferences) U = Unsatisfactory (behavior slips, s, and conferences, if necessary) **There will be no grade of plus or minus given.

19 Conferences Thank you ahead of time for respecting our instructional time by prearranging all conferences via or note.

20 DeKalb County Grading Policy
Homework= 5% Projects= 25% Test/Quizzes= 30% Class Participation= 40% %

21 3rd Grade Reminders Birthday celebrations
Students should wear appropriate shoes for P.E. (no sandals please!). Dress code (regarding shorts, skirts, leggings, tank tops, flip flops) Students may bring water bottles to class – filled only with water.

22 We appreciate you coming tonight!
Thank You! We appreciate you coming tonight! Next Up: Brief meetings in your child’s HOMEROOM class.

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