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Approach & Consent Sarah Briggs & Deb Gravatt. Prior to Approach Clear Understanding of Declaration of Death Clear Understanding of Declaration of Death.

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Presentation on theme: "Approach & Consent Sarah Briggs & Deb Gravatt. Prior to Approach Clear Understanding of Declaration of Death Clear Understanding of Declaration of Death."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approach & Consent Sarah Briggs & Deb Gravatt

2 Prior to Approach Clear Understanding of Declaration of Death Clear Understanding of Declaration of Death Decoupling Time (Acceptance) Decoupling Time (Acceptance) Correct Decision Makers Present Correct Decision Makers Present Private Location Private Location Hospital Support Hospital Support

3 Hierarchy of Consent First Person Authorization Health Care Power Of Attorney Spouse Adult Children Parents Adult Siblings Adult Grandchildren Grandparents Adult with Special Interest Guardian at Time of Death Other Representative

4 First Person Authorization Statewide Donor Registry Legal First Person Consent for Donation Department of Motor Vehicles Department of Motor Vehicles Show Me Your Heart Show Me Your Heart Consent for Organ and Eye Donation Consent for Organ and Eye Donation Online registration Online registration Allows designation of tissue Allows designation of tissue Give consent for education and research Give consent for education and research Out of State Patients Disclosure to Family



7 Non-Registered Donors Legal Next of Kin has decision-making rights Requesting consent for donation What about? Registered patients who are still minors Tissue donation with registered patients

8 Approach & Consent Express condolences Share the opportunity Educate on organ, tissue, eye donation Dual advocacy for patient and potential recipient First person consent Helping them to fulfill their loved one’s wishes Request consent for tissue Consent forms What happens after consent?

9 Knowledge of Person’s Wishes Knowledge of Person’s Wishes Family Not Supportive Family Not Supportive After Education After Education Good "Yes” vs. Good "No" Aware of Donor Registry Status Aware of Donor Registry Status Suits the Person’s Character Suits the Person’s Character Supported by Family Desires Supported by Family Desires How do we distinguish between the two? Ensure an Effective Request Give Time and Support Give Good Education What can the family handle at the time? Eliminate reactionary decisions

10 When Families Decline Commitment to Dual-Advocacy First Person Authorization? Re-approach to support person’s wishes Support family through withdrawal of care Refer back to chaplaincy

11 Questions?

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