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Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… 第 6 章 線性代數方程式 Linear Algebraic Equations.

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Presentation on theme: "Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… 第 6 章 線性代數方程式 Linear Algebraic Equations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… 第 6 章 線性代數方程式 Linear Algebraic Equations

2 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… linear 5x-2y=13 7x+3y=24 Linear ~ dependent variable 不可以有一次以 外的次方

3 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… 6.1 Elementary Solution Methods Successive elimination of variables Gauss elimination

4 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Gauss elimination -x+y+2z=2(1) 3x-y+z=6(2) -x+3y+4z=4(3) -x+y+2z=2(1) 2y+7z=12(4) 2y+2z=2(5)

5 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Gauss elimination -x+y+2z=2(1) 5z=10(6) y=-1(7) x=1

6 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Self test p.334

7 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Singular & ill-conditioned problems 1.3x-4y=5 6x-10y=2 Sol. (7,4) 2.3x-4y=5 6x-8y=10 Infinite solutions 3.3x-4y=5 6x-8y=3 empty set

8 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

9 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

10 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Homogeneous equations 6x+ay=0 2x+4y=0  (a-12)y=0  If a~=12, x=0 If a=12, infinite solutions

11 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ill-conditioned equations 3x-4y=5(1) 6x-8.002y=3(2) (1)  y=(3x-5)/4 (2)  y=(3x-1.5)/4.001 (x,y)=(4668, 3500) Very sensitive !

12 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Matrix methods for linear equations

13 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

14 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Determinants 行列式 A=[3,-4,1;6,10,2;9,-7,3]; det(A) ans = 0

15 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Determinants and singular problems If determinant of A=0, then a singular problem. If determinant of A ~= 0 If determinant of A = 0

16 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Left-division method A=[3,2,-9;-9,-5,2;6,7,3]; det(A) b=[-65;16;5]; A\b ans = 288 ans = 2.0000 -4.0000 7.0000

17 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Right-division method

18 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ex.6.2-2 p.342 Kirchhoff’s law Current conservation at a node

19 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

20 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… % resist.m % solve the current i_1,i_2,i_3 R=[5,100,200,150,250]*1000; v1=100; v2=50; A1=[R(1)+R(4),-R(4),0]; A2=[-R(4),R(2)+R(4)+R(5),- R(5)]; A3=[0,R(5),-(R(3)+R(5))]; A=[A1;A2;A3]; b=[v1;0;v2]; current=A\b; disp('The currents are:') disp(current) The currents are: 1.0e-003 * 0.9544 0.3195 0.0664

21 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Exercise p.343-345

22 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Matrix inverse

23 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… An example of Statics Derivation of equilibrium equations. Solve the linear equations by matlab. P.346-348

24 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ex. 6.2-5 Check by matlab as well as by hand for an inversion of 2 by 2 matrix. 2x+9y=5 3x-4y=7 A=[2,9;3,-4]; b=[5;7]; x=inv(A)*b x = 2.3714 0.0286

25 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

26 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Cramer’s method Self test …

27 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… 6.4 Underdetermined systems A=[1,3]; b=6; x=A\b x = 0 2

28 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Underdetermined systems

29 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Matrix rank 矩陣的秩 A=[3,-4,1;6,10,2;9,-7,3]; rank(A) ans = 2

30 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Existence and uniqueness of solutions Augmented matrix

31 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Existence and uniqueness of solutions Augmented matrix

32 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Singular matrix

33 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ex 6.4-1 3x-2y+8z=48 -6x+5y+z=-12 9x+4y+2z=24 A=[3,-2,8;-6,5,1;9,4,2]; b=[48;-12;24]; rank(A) rank([A b]) x=A\b ans = 3 ans = 3 x = 2.0000 5.0000

34 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ex 6.4-2 2x-4y+5z=-4 -4x-2y+3z=4 2x+6y-8z=0 A=[2,-4,5;-4,-2,3;2,6,-8]; b=[-4;4;0]; rank(A) rank([A b]) x=A\b ans = 2 ans = 2 Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision. x = Inf

35 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… pinv command & Euclidean norm x=pinv(A)*b x = -1.2148 0.2074 -0.1481

36 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ex 6.4-3 Statically indeterminate problem

37 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

38 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

39 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… A=[1,1,1;10,5,0]; b=[400;1600]; rank(A) rank([A b]) A\b ans = 2 ans = 2 ans = 160.0000 0 240.0000 pinv(A)*b ans = 93.3333 133.3333 173.3333

40 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ex 6.4-4, pp.362 2x-4y+5z=-4 -4x-2y+3z=4 2x+6y-8z=0 x+0y-0.1z=-1.2 0x+y-1.3z=0.4 0x+0y+0z=0 A=[2,-4,5;-4,-2,3;2,6,-8]; b=[-4;4;0]; x=pinv(A)*b rref([A b]) x = -1.2148 0.2074 -0.1481 ans = 1.0000 0 -0.1000 -1.2000 0 1.0000 -1.3000 0.4000 0 0 0 0

41 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Underdetermined systems P.363-364 ex.6.4-5 5x+3y+3z=40 3x+3y+4z=30 x-0.5z=5 y+1.8333z=5 A=[5,3,3;3,3,4]; b=[40;30]; rref([A b]) ans = 1.0000 0 -0.5000 5.0000 0 1.0000 1.8333 5.0000

42 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea… Ex 6.4-6 p.364 100+200=f1+f4 f1+f2=300+200 600+400=f2+f3 f3+f4=300+500

43 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

44 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

45 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

46 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

47 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

48 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

49 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

50 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

51 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

52 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

53 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

54 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

55 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

56 Puff! The magic dragon, live by the sea…

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