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Introduction DOs and DONTs DONT…. Start by telling your name. Copy the directions. Say the opposite of what you believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction DOs and DONTs DONT…. Start by telling your name. Copy the directions. Say the opposite of what you believe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction DOs and DONTs DONT…. Start by telling your name. Copy the directions. Say the opposite of what you believe.

2 Introduction DOs and DONTs DO…. Begin with a question or a statistic. Show that you understand the format and audience. Write your thesis statement as the last sentence in the introduction.

3 Good or Bad First Sentence? I am going to tell you about why students drop out of school and how we can help them.

4 Good or Bad First Sentence? One out of every 4 high school students considers dropping out of school.

5 Good or Bad First Sentences? When my father died unexpectedly last year, my family began having financial problems. My older brother decided that he should drop out of school and get a full-time job to support our family. He wants to go to college, but he cant because he didnt graduate.

6 Good or Bad First Sentences? I dont know why some people drop out of school. I think its because no money or maybe drugs.

7 Good or Bad First Sentence? Have you ever wondered why so many teenagers drop out of high school?

8 Ideas for the Introduction Begin with facts or a personal story about dropping out of school (2 or 3 sentences) Tell why its important to stay in school (1 or 2 sentences) Thesis statement

9 The Conclusion The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay.

10 The Conclusion Re-state your three main ideas. Example: In conclusion, I believe we should…

11 The Conclusion Remind the reader why this is an important problem to solve. Example: If we do not do these three things, then…

12 The Conclusion Give your reader a next step. Example: You can help solve this problem by …

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