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Poster on 4x8 foot posterboard The IRI-h Objectives 1  Platform Independent Services : using JAVA technology  Multi-participant Audio/Video : using.

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2 Poster on 4x8 foot posterboard


4 The IRI-h Objectives 1  Platform Independent Services : using JAVA technology  Multi-participant Audio/Video : using Java’s JMF framework  Collaboration Engine with Multiple-Platform-Tool-Source : makes available the rich set of applications running on Windows/UNIX environments.  Delivery to the home/office : users can access the session over a regular Internet connection using the latest generation of high speed at home Internet connections.  Recording/Replay : indexed by session events  Support multiple learning modes : lecture, demonstration, collaborative learning, computer-based labs, student team project, study sessions  Virtual Rooms : the class can be divided into groups by assigning each group a virtual meeting room. Students can move from room to room and join in different on-going discussions.

5  Platform/environment management including late join/early leave: A student can join an on-going session at any time and fully participate in that class.  Situational awareness: Students, instructors and technical engineers are made aware of the current operating environment and are notified about noteworthy changes or unusual situations.  Class Management: instructor handouts/student notes, call by name, polling, classroom video, attendance, auto session start, class monitoring, enrollment  Shared Common Experience: The position and focus of the windows displayed on the student’s workstation is coordinated with the instructor’s machine.  Scalable: 100 participants  Easy of Use: Ease of installation, Quick class join The IRI-h Objectives 2

6 IRI-h Network Layout G Multicast disabled site UDP tunnel Gateway High Speed Network (Multicast) Gateway High Speed Network(Multicast) S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 P1P1 Low Bandwidth with multicast Multicast P3P3 High Delay without multicast UDP tunnel P2P2 Low Bandwidth without multicast UDP tunnel Intranet Multicast P4P4 P5P5 P6P6 P7P7 P8P8 P9P9

7 IRI-h Software Architecture SM Log Server Group Communication server Gateway Token Managers Observers SP AudioVideo Sharing Tool Annotation Pointer Rcv Snd Rcv Gateway servers TCP connection Thread relationship Service manager Main Thread Snd: Sender Rcv: Receiver SP: Session Participant SM: Session Manager

8 IRI-h Startup Scenarios E, F: Automated Startup by Java ServerB: Manual Join by contacting the Directory Server H: Session Manager manually invoked G: Manual Join by contacting H directly SP Startup B SP Startup Applet A G SP E HA H SM F HA SM C Java Server D Directory Server SM: Session Manager SP: Session Participant HA: Host Ambassador X Y: X initiates protocol with Y X Y: X spawn Y server

9 Login/Discussion Mode Token controlled toolsPrivate panel Shared view Room cards Audio control Annotation token holder utilities Video control Private panel Login box Class name and semester

10 Presentation Mode

11 Collaboration Mode

12 Future Tasks 1 Gateway –Target bandwidth setup uplink (to gateway) 128-512 Kbps downlink (from gateway) 256-740Kbps –Tunneling for lack of multicast –Format transcoding and/or data rate limiting. –Bandwidth management Inter-Stream Synchronization Quality of Session management

13 Performance IRI-h Scalability: scalability tests on 35 machines with no incremental degradation in performance (video/audio/IPV reception). Delay: Audio/Video 750ms, IPV 1800ms Bandwidth : 1.5 Mb/s with three video, audio, ipv, pointer and annotation StartUp : initial interface 1 minute, video 25s, audio (10s), ipv (5 s), pointer(30ms), private services (3 s), class creation (10s) Refresh rates : Video 15 frames/sec, IPV 5s for full screen

14 Late-Join mechanisms (service state) Record/Replay Semi-reliable application access protocols Multiple Rooms Feedback: network monitor, “smiley face” Additional Features: classroom video, call on student, survey, PA channel for multiple rooms, exam tool, remote ipv Future Tasks 2

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