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Christian Bubat Marc Krämer Arrangement Reasons Initial position Development 1. half of war + Coloured troops Turning point Ghettysburg + CSS Hunley.

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2 Christian Bubat Marc Krämer

3 Arrangement Reasons Initial position Development 1. half of war + Coloured troops Turning point Ghettysburg + CSS Hunley Results Sources:

4 Reasons Ecomony + Influence + Slavery =>Splitting

5 Initial situation Advantage South –Leading –Weapons –Training of Troops –Navy

6 Confederated Union Troops

7 Begin of War Secession of South States New President, Constitution and Goverment Failed peace conference Attack on Fort Sumter

8 Development 1. half of war First attack of North failed –Training Success in the West +Missisippi region South looses Cut of Texas and Arkansas >Gettysburg

9 Coloured troops Proclamation of 17th July 1862 by Lincoln Freedom for 3 Million Slaves 180.000 coloured Soldiers

10 The battle of Ghettysburg July, 1863

11 In July, 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd of 1863 Army of northern Virginia (General Robert E. Lee, 75000 men) Union Army of the Potomac (General George Meade, 97000men)

12 first day

13 second day

14 third day

15 It remains the great battle of the war although it did not end the war There fought and died more men than in any other battle of the war

16 50.000 dead men 23.000 union and 28.000 confederated soldiers

17 the CSS Hunley first submarine used in a naval war

18 1864 submerged the USS Housatonic in the harbour of Charleston The Hunley sunk on it´s way home! Nobody knows how!

19 burial of the Hunley-crew

20 lifted 2000 9 men with broken neck (probably because of the explosion) were found

21 Results of the war 620.000 killed soldiers End of slavery 4 million slaves set free economic adjustment of southern states beginning of imperialism 3 billion Dollar debt for the union centralization of the USA

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