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ODU Safety Button Presented by Wayne Stilwell CS 495 Fall 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "ODU Safety Button Presented by Wayne Stilwell CS 495 Fall 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ODU Safety Button Presented by Wayne Stilwell CS 495 Fall 2011

2 Recap Allow students to contact police in situations where they cannot talk. Help request is triggered by pressing the power button 5 times. The student’s location, basic information, and an audio recording is sent to the police.

3 Why Audio and No Video Not safe to take phone out when being robbed. – If phone stays in your pocket, video is useless.

4 What I Completed GUI Load GPS locations Send SMS automatically (“behind the scenes”) Send Email automatically (with attachment) Record audio automatically Detect if WiFi is connected Let user select or take a picture and save it to my application Allow user to cancel a request if sent accidentally Status bar notification Geocode address

5 What Needs to be Added/Fixed Don’t allow the app to trigger help requests off campus. Detect if GPS is enabled Get email working flawlessly Length of audio recording is not consistent Other things I’ll discover during the demo

6 Problems I Faced Used JavaMail API to send email “behind the scenes”. – Doesn’t seem to work when WiFi is off. Send SMS to email address instead Doesn’t allow me to add attachments – WiFi seems to turn off when the screen goes off Used a wake lock (ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP) to turn screen on, wake-up WiFi, and send the email Not ideal

7 Problems I Faced Could not figure out how to send MMS automatically Google temporarily locked my account – Thought I was spamming – Luckily I was emailing myself, so the messages that were blocked still appeared in my inbox – Possible solution: make students enter their email address

8 Main Screen Request Help – To contact police immediately – Confirmation pop-up first Call ODU Police – Returns to this screen when call ends. Profile About

9 Profile Screen User can enter their name, gender, and select a picture. “Select Picture” button opens up the photo gallery. – The picture is resized and saved to the app.

10 About Screen Gives basic tips and information on how to use the application.

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