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Prologue: The Story of Psychology A Short History, But a Long Past.

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Presentation on theme: "Prologue: The Story of Psychology A Short History, But a Long Past."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prologue: The Story of Psychology A Short History, But a Long Past

2 Contemporary Psychology  Psychology’s Perspectives  A lot depends on your viewpoint

3 From “schools” to “perspectives” zStructuralism zFunctionalism zGestalt zBehaviorism zPsychoanalysis z Cognitive z Behavioral z Psychodynamic z Biological z Social-cultural z Humanistic

4 Contemporary Psychology zPsychology’s Perspectives yBiological xNeuroscience xEvolutionary xBehavior Genetics yBehavioral yPsychodynamic yCognitive ySocio-cultural

5 Modern Perspectives  Behavioral Psychology  Explain behavior by assessing the effects of external stimuli  Deal with directly observable behavior  B.F. Skinner: most influential behaviorist

6 Modern Perspectives zBiological Perspective yNeuroscience yEvolutionary yBehavior genetics zExplain behavior by describing underlying biochemical and neurological causes zReductionists: observable behavior reduced to physiological explanations zRoger Sperry: won Nobel Prize for split-brain research

7 Modern Perspectives zCognitive Perspective y Origins can be traced to Gestalt Psychology yStudy the intervening mental processes between stimulus inputs and response outputs ySignificant contributions made in the areas of language, development, and memory yJean Piaget: child development expert

8 Modern Perspectives zPsychodynamic perspective yHuman behavior is primarily determined by unconscious processes yTheory not based on experimental evidence and many aspects are untestable yInfluential to modern psychotherapy yCarl Jung, Karen Horney, Alfred Adler prominent “Neo-Freudians”

9 Modern Perspectives zSocial-Cultural yHow behavior and thinking vary across situations and culture yRecognizes the power of the situation in determining human behavior yStudies the interaction between the environment and actions yAlbert Bandura, Philip Zimbardo

10 Modern Perspectives zHumanistic approach ??????? yEmerged in the 1950’s yViewed behavior as a product of free will and opposed determinism of behaviorism and psychoanalysis yFocused on mental health and positive outcomes yCarl Rogers and Abraham Maslow yCurrently reemerging as Positive Psychology

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