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ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 100 Unit outline summary. Contact Details Dr Kelvin Tan (204:204) Ext : 1360

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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 100 Unit outline summary. Contact Details Dr Kelvin Tan (204:204) Ext : 1360"— Presentation transcript:

1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 100 Unit outline summary

2 Contact Details Dr Kelvin Tan (204:204) Ext : 1360 Email : Barrie S. Binayak Kai Kaye Lumsden, James

3 Lab & Tut

4 Schedule

5 Assessment :

6 Lecture - Recommended Text: Robert L Boylestad, “Introductory Circuit Analysis”, 10 th or 11 th Edition, Prentice Hall Inc.

7 Laboratory Pre-lab Research on the experiment topic Lab :- Carry out the experiments Post –Lab Formal Lab report Calculate and answer all the post-lab question Explain “Why” and “How” about your lab results Attendance is compulsory Valid reasons and must be provided Swapping of class and groups are not allowed

8 The Syllabus: Fundamentals of DC Circuits (Week 1-4) Fundamentals of AC Circuits (Week 5-6) Electro-mechanics and Energy Conversion (Week 7-9) Electronic switches and Rectifications (Week 10) Instrumentations and Control (Week 11-12)

9 Plagiarism: Academic honesty is crucial to a student's credibility and self-esteem, and ultimately reflects the values and morals of the University as a whole. A student may work together with one or a group of students discussing assignment content, identifying relevant references, and debating issues relevant to the subject. Plagiarism occurs when the work of another person, or persons, is used and presented as one's own, unless the source of each quotation or the piece of borrowed material is acknowledged with an appropriate citation The University regards very seriously any acts of cheating, or dishonesty by way of plagiarism. Penalties for such incidences have been defined within the University's Acts and Statutes

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