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Fully integrating video lectures into undergraduate teaching Martin Turner & John Erskine Psychology, Sport and Exercise.

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1 Fully integrating video lectures into undergraduate teaching Martin Turner & John Erskine Psychology, Sport and Exercise

2 Introduction Tasked with writing a new level 6 module - N = 45. VoiceThread already prominent on MSc Sport & Exercise Psychology and Sport & Exercise Science Awards Wanted to: a.Move to more active student centered pedagogy via increased engagement of level 6 students b.Maximize the attainment of level 6 students c.Develop a “21 st century” module Outcome: Adopt a ‘flipped classroom’ approach to this new module using VoiceThread!

3 Why Flip the Class? Concerns about traditional lectures…. Attentional span of students Effectiveness of ‘information transmission’ approach re learning/understanding Early starts vs. parking Illness Attendance - Part-time work to pay for education

4 Why Flip the Class? Concerns about traditional lectures….

5 Flipped Classroom 1 Description: a learning environment in which the activities traditionally completed outside of class as homework are now completed in class during instruction time. And, the activities traditionally completed in class are now completed on students’ own time before class. In many definitions and models, this means students watch a video of prerecorded lectures before class. Then, when they arrive to class, they work through assignments or activities with their peers and the instructor.

6 Flipped Classroom 2 An emerging trend in education …. University of Sheffield replaced lectures with short videos “…not only did students watch the vast majority of the videos on time, but attendance improved dramatically…we had added somewhere between 4 and 12 marks to the average grade of a student.” Khan Academy

7 Flipped Classroom 3: Why use VoiceThread to flip? VoiceThread is a web based platform that allows lecturers and students to upload images, video, PowerPoint or documents and comment on these resources via video, audio or text and invite others to record their responses to these comments. Simple to use/adopt…. -Recording starts on each slide – not one big recording. -Once recording is completed, a link is provided. -Paste link into Bb so students can access it.

8 What did we do? Replaced 50 minute lecture with 2-3 short video lectures (VLs) -Retained 2 hour seminar -Included tasks and activities for seminar Each seminar commenced with a recap/mini quiz based on the VL. Took feedback early in module to make sure students didn’t hate it!

9 What did we do? VL went live every Friday for the following week (based on student feedback) Student use was monitored (statistics tracking) Issues with videos communicated via discussion board by students Students asked to indicate 2 areas for further exploration for the seminar

10 An Example VL Dual comments i31100478 Tasks for workshops

11 Live Demo 1.Uploading PowerPoint to VoiceThread 2.Adding comments and video to VoiceThread 3.Creating your link 4.Linking video lecture to blackboard. 5.Monitoring video usage

12 Student prep for workshops The Psychology of Competitive Performance Video Lecture Notes template Section 1: General notes on the video lecture/s Section 2: Discussion Points (cut and paste this section into the “Discussions” section in Blackboard for this module and for this week). For the workshop (to be completed and pasted into the Blackboard discussion board) Two/Three things that I would like to discuss further in this week’s workshop are…(one sentence max; enter a minimum of 2 points)

13 Contentious Issues Value for Money - Watching a film at the cinema vs. owning the film on DVD - If students CANT attend, they haven’t missed out Isn't personal human interaction important? -Yes – we kept the seminars for this. -“Real lecturing is irreplaceable in the same way that live theatre or musical performance is irreplaceable – seeing and hearing each other in real-time and working together on something they both value.” - Bruce Charlton, Evolutionary Psychologist: -This is the world we/they live in.

14 Feedback from students “Some weeks I have missed them as been busy and forgot but I wouldn't of forgot to go to a normal lecture.” Strong agree AgreeSomew hat agree neitherSome what disagree disagreeStrong disagree VLs were enjoyable 3732011 VLs were beneficial 7422110 VLs better than normal Ls 6123022 VLs allow learning flexibility 7330112

15 Conclusions/Questions VoiceThread is a useful way to flip the classroom. Easy to use and access by lecturers and students. Most students enjoyed and engaged in the new style. Attainment: – Mean grade = 63% – Good Degrees = 59.6%

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