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A.C.T Marketing Attract Convert Transform. Agenda 9.35 A – C Linda Parkinson-Hardman Grow A Better Business Helping you sow the seeds of internet success.

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Presentation on theme: "A.C.T Marketing Attract Convert Transform. Agenda 9.35 A – C Linda Parkinson-Hardman Grow A Better Business Helping you sow the seeds of internet success."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.C.T Marketing Attract Convert Transform

2 Agenda 9.35 A – C Linda Parkinson-Hardman Grow A Better Business Helping you sow the seeds of internet success 10.35 Comfort break & networking 11.00 C – T David Dean greenmessage The environmental communication specialists 12.00 Q & A’s 12.30 Networking & One-to-one sessions

3 What is marketing? Identifying what your target customer wants Pulling not pushing Identify your USP Looking good – Branding Use emotion –Safety – healthy – environmental etc. The step before a sale

4 Marketing Strategy “The purpose of your marketing strategy should be to identify and then communicate the benefits of your business offering to your target market.” Source :- Business Link

5 Action Point Revisit marketing strategy

6 Traditional Direct Mail Last year the UK spent over 2 billion pounds on traditional direct mailings A good direct mail campaign will get 1% open rate Therefore 99% was wasted! Imagine the energy and materials being wasted on each mailing and the lack of results

7 E marketing The most –Powerful –Flexible –Cost effective –Measurable –Time driven Marketing

8 Targets Use your database to target the message Use not only contacts but light touches! Collect business cards – goldfish bowl! Segment by marketing strategy When and what they want to see Remember to update your database every month!

9 Win a case of Piddle beer Text piddle to 07624811555 with your email address to enter the draw and receive our e-newsletter Text at standard charge greenmessage text to e-newsletter service Text at standard text charge to customer greenmessage text processor Customer see beer mat Auto text response Auto email response greenmessage central processor Monthly e-newsletters Planned text campaigns

10 Legal requirements Permission marketing Managed unsubscribe Legal, Decent & Honest Advertising Standards Authority Data Protection

11 Market research Use e-newsletters as your market research Create product/service subjects Measure click through’s Establish what people look at

12 Content Well thought out punchy words Relevant pictures Links to your own web site Spam words! - A must Platform checking! - A must Auto responders 150 words per article is great

13 Timing Timing is everything –Same time every time –Not Mondays or Fridays –10am-4pm is ideal Gran always said being regular was good for you!

14 When – Hours - Days Tuesday to Thursday

15 E – Newsletter stats The only marketing which is totally measurable Real time results The ability to create warms leads Salesman's dream!

16 Stats – the must have list Unique opens Links Bounces Unsubscribe Forwards Triggers Auto-Responders

17 What next Reap what you sow Follow up calls - they are warm now! Seek feedback Learn what people want to see Plan next e-newsletter well in advance The follow up is so important as it is what seals the deals

18 Q & A’s Over to you What's puzzling you?

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