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How to Enhance a Media Production with an Audio Phonic Phenomenon.

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1 How to Enhance a Media Production with an Audio Phonic Phenomenon


3 pettit-nasa-expedition-6-international- space-station


5 Keynotes are rarely listened to consciously by those who live among them, for they are the ground over which the figure of signals becomes conspicuous. Keynotes sounds are, however, noticed when they change, and when they disappear altogether, they may even be remembered with affection. (Schafer 1994 p.60)





10 References Angus Carlyle’ Sounds From Dangerous Places: An Interview With Peter Cusack, Sound scape volume 7 number 1, fall / winter 2007 Asutay, E, Västfjäll, D, Tajadura-Jiménez, A, Genell, A, Bergman, P & Kleiner, M 2012, 'Emoacoustics: A Study of the Psychoacoustical and Psychological Dimensions of EmotionalSound Design', Journal of the AES, vol. Volume 60 Number 1/2, pp. 21 -28. Barthes, R 1981, Camera lucida: reflections on photography, 1st American edn, Hill and Wang, New York. Cusack, P 2012, Sounds from Dangerous Places, viewed 8 August 2012,.. Deleuze, G & Guattari, F 1987, A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Don pettit 2012 viewed on … Gilloch, G & Dant, T 2002, 'Pictures of the past: Benjamin and Barthes on photography and history', European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 5-23. Huron, DB 2007, Sweet anticipation music and the psychology of expectation, MIT Press, Cambridge, International space station view on 6 August 2012 Jarviluoma, H 2002, 'Empirical and Cultural Ethnographies:Momor and Acoustic Environments: Five European villages revisited', in Waterman, EF (ed), Sonic geography imagined and remembered, Penumbra Press, Toronto, pp. 21-37. Lehrer, J 2008, Proust was a neuroscientist, 1st Mariner Books edn, Mariner Book/Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. Massumi, B 2002, Parables for the virtual: movement, affect, sensation, Duke University Press, Durham, N.C. Ostwald, PF, 1962 Soundmaking: The Acoustic Communication of Emotion, Charles C Thomas publisher, Illinois, USA. Rau, P 2006, 'Beyond punctum and studium: Trauma and photography in Rachel Seiffert's The Dark Room', Journal of European Studies, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 296-325. Schafer, R, M 1994, The Soundscape: Our sonic environment and the tuning of the world, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont.(Alfred Knoph Inc. New York) Schafer, RM, Huse, P & World Soundscape Project. 2003, Soundscapes of Canada, sound recording, World Soundscape Project, Thompson, E 2002, ‘The Soundscape of modernity: architectural acoustics and the culture of listening in America, 1900-1933, Wilheim scream compilation! Williamson, J 2010, 'Hearing sexual signals helps male crickets grow larger ', viewed 6 August 2012,.< crickets-grow-larger-24439>.

11 How to Enhance a Media Production with an Audio Phonic Phenomenon

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