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 Why does most of the U.S. speak English?  Why is Klein Intermediate predominantly Hispanic?  “There’s a big hurricane churning over that body of water.

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Presentation on theme: " Why does most of the U.S. speak English?  Why is Klein Intermediate predominantly Hispanic?  “There’s a big hurricane churning over that body of water."— Presentation transcript:


2  Why does most of the U.S. speak English?  Why is Klein Intermediate predominantly Hispanic?  “There’s a big hurricane churning over that body of water and it’s heading in that direction. It’s predicted to hit that state in 3 days.” What do you do?  Why are the Rocky Mts. higher than the Appalachian Mts.?

3 Six Elements of Geography ElementDescriptionExample 1. World in Spatial Terms 2. Places and Regions 3. Physical Systems

4 ElementDescriptionExample 4. Human Systems 5. Environment and Society 6. Uses of Geography

5 Six Essential Elements of Geography ElementDescriptionPossible Examples 1. World in Spatial Terms Refers to the connection people, places and environments have because of location. Me on the Map; Houston, Texas 90W, 30N 2. Places and RegionsGeographers use physical and human characteristics to define a place; places with common characteristics determine a region. Physical region- Coastal Plains Political region- the West 3. Physical SystemsStudy of the earth’s surface & atmosphere and how they affect human behavior; how plants and animal interact for survival. Climate, landforms Volcanoes forming Hawaiian islands, Hurricane Ike

6 Six Essential Elements of Geography ElementDescriptionPossible examples 4. Human SystemsThe study of how people shape the earth: how and why they move, settle and form societies. Political divisions: city, state Houston most populated city in Texas; transportation 5. Environment and Society Study of how people modify their environment or adapt to it. Natural resources Mississippi River rises in the spring, causes flooding 6. Uses of GeographyRefers to how geography is used to understand the past, explain the present and plan for the future. How did Texans win the Battle of San Jacinto?

7  Have student visit each station. Read material and study accompanying image.  Students are to fill in the table in their notebooks.  Teacher should monitor for misunderstanding, questions, and participation by all.  After gallery walk is completed, show key to make sure students have captured essentials.

8  Have all students create table to record notes. Use two pages for adequate space.  Divide students into six groups.  Give each group one of the six elements handouts to become an expert of.  Groups will create a display to teach the element to the class, which will include: ◦ Explanation/Definition ◦ Illustration ◦ Example  Students will record info from display in notebooks.

9  How does geography affect people?  Students must use all the terms below in 5 sentences or less.  Modify, adapt, physical characteristics, climate, migration, location, culture, landforms, interact, affect  Include a visual (map, picture, graph)

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