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Swindon SENCO Conference 2015 Alexandra House Hotel Aspirations and Outcomes Friday 6th March.

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Presentation on theme: "Swindon SENCO Conference 2015 Alexandra House Hotel Aspirations and Outcomes Friday 6th March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swindon SENCO Conference 2015 Alexandra House Hotel Aspirations and Outcomes Friday 6th March

2 A: Views, interests and aspirations B: Special Educational Needs C: Health Needs D: Social Care Needs E: Outcomes F:Special Educational Provision G:Any Health Provision reasonable required H1:Social Care Provision under S2 of Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 H2: Any other Social Care Provision I: Name and Type of setting J: Personal Budget K: Advice and Information gathered EHC Plan Sections

3 This is not about changing the paperwork Peter Drucker

4 Planning A good person-centred conversation explores the following: What do people like and admire about you? Who are the important people in your life? What is important to you – now and in the future? What is important for you – now and in the future? What is working well? and not so well in your life at the moment? What support and help do you need? What are your hopes for the future? What are the outcomes we are going to plan for? What are the steps? Who is going to do what and by when?

5 Real wealth (social capital) or “You don’t know what you need until you know what you’ve got” Skills what you can do Knowledge what you know People family, friends, Access what’s in the local community Assets local facilities Resilience ability to cope

6 ... before you try to sort everything else out for the young person Don’t jump too quickly from “You can’t do this” to “So you will need us to...” Always consider real wealth in any plan

7 Usable quotes: Aspirations do not have to be realistic Planning should be about life outcomes - i.e. more than the next step in the classroom We are part of the means, not an end in ourselves – however good we are at our jobs Our purpose is to prepare children and young people for adulthood so they can be as independent as they choose to be

8 Aspirations to targets in one plan Aspiration I want a job when I leave education Outcomes By December 2015 I will have had work experience that I chose I will be able to travel from home to college using public transport by myself by the end of August. Steps Be working with a job coach by March Job Coach to assist doing a vocational profile with input from college, family and support workers to be ready by June Plan work experiences to begin in September Begin travel training by catching the bus with my PA Educational targets Literacy, numeracy, language, IT, social & independence skills educational targets can be linked to this outcome and the steps to get there.

9 Aspirations and outcomes LAs cannot be held accountable for aspirations Outcomes must be S.M.A.R.T. SEND Tribunal may have opinion about Outcomes but can only rule on Provision

10 A person-centred outcome is... about what the young person will be able to do, not what provision will be made or services offered of benefit or will make a difference to the individual achievable within a given timeframe observable, specific and measurable best written as though it has been achieved moving towards a positive future and not away from a negative past

11 Example I will be understood by my friends and can play with them at playtime and in the after school club on Wednesdays without anyone getting frustrated


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