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Sustainable Management for Metropolia, Business Ethics IP week. Lecturer: Menno de Lind van Wijngaarden, MSc.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Management for Metropolia, Business Ethics IP week. Lecturer: Menno de Lind van Wijngaarden, MSc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Management for Metropolia, Business Ethics IP week. Lecturer: Menno de Lind van Wijngaarden, MSc.

2 Sustainable Management Create Portfolio Of 8 assignments, (all, except 7) Bring your portfolio On Friday 10:00 2

3 Assignment 1 Before we start, let’s do a zero measurement Write 150-200 words about the following situation: You live in 2030 and you have 2 kids 5 and 7 years old, how do you expect society looks like at that moment and what kind of future do you see for your children. Describe in your short story wealth, health, employment, and natural environment

4 Sustainable Management 4

5 Sustainable development Corporate Social Responsibility Business Ethics LevelSocietyBusinessIndividual ContextCommunities, Countries, Regions, Global Organizations Industries, small, medium to large, multinational enterprises Citizenship, Employee, Manager, Consumer IssuesEnvironment, Populations, Effects of Globalization, Treaties, Protocols Stakeholders management, Fair trade, Chain responsibility, Code of conduct Human Behavior, Ethical decision making, do the right thing. World view. 5

6 Sustainable Management Sustainable development Definition:Development is sustainable when: "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Brundtland commission, 1987 A short definition = “Intergenerational equity” Now vs. Then, Here vs. There 6

7 Sustainable Management Environmental issues Climate Water Land Biodiversity Population Everything is connected! 7

8 Funnel Theory Business needs to be innovative, stakeholder oriented, and long term oriented to find its way into the funnel.

9 Sustainable Management People, Planet, Profit (3 P’s) Triple Bottom Line Aspectsa.k.a. PeopleSocialHuman Capital PlanetEnvironmentalNatural Capital Profit (Prosperity)EconomicalCapital 9

10 People, Planet, Profit (3 P’s) Not shown in this model, but essential to CSR is: Ethics, moral choices (often dilemmas) Long term view, strategy aimed at 10 years Profit, but also non-financial gains, value creation

11 Discussion Business is responsible for the mess we’re in. Consumers are responsible; they should factor sustainability in their buying decisions. Do you take sustainability into account?

12 Sustainable Management Business and Sustainability Business can take the lead, act as a driving force. But governments need to set requirements (level playing field) Consumers are only limited stakeholders here. 12

13 Sustainable Management Sustainability arguments In favor Inevitable Exp. Growth Car. Capacity Syst. Errors Increasing Public Awareness Sustainability can be profitable It is the right thing to do. Against Not Measurable Value of life, biodiversity, morality Circumstantial Not under poverty or recession Not Universal Nationalism, Liberalism, Culture 13

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