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Magdeburger Forschungsverbund „Neurowissenschaften“ & „Immunologie und Molekulare Medizin der Entzündung“ Thursday, 30.11.2006 16.00 Registration at Reception.

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1 Magdeburger Forschungsverbund „Neurowissenschaften“ & „Immunologie und Molekulare Medizin der Entzündung“ Thursday, 30.11.2006 16.00 Registration at Reception desk Hotel „Ratswaage“ 16.00 to 16.30 Mounting of posters 16.30Welcome addresses Ministry for Cultural Affairs Rector Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Dean Medical Faculty Speaker of Magdeburger Forschungsverbund Opening of Symposium 16.45 to 18.45Scientific session Session 1:Inflammation, immunology and neurosciences at crossroads: From molecules to diseases Chairs: B. Bonnekoh, G. Reiser, G. Wolf 16.45 to 17.15K. Aktories (Freiburg) „Novel insights into structure and functions of Rho-modifying clostridial cytotoxins“ 17.15 to 17.45J. Schröder (Kiel) „Defense mechanisms of human skin and mucous membrane“ 17.45 to 18.15G. G. Haddad (San Diego, USA) „Hypoxic neuronal injury: Insights from vertebrate and invertebrate models“ 18.15 to 18.45N. Vergnolle (Calgary, Canada) Protease Signalling: cross roads between inflammation and pain“ Lectures: time includes 5 min discussion 19.00 to 21.00Welcome Reception with „Poster-Party“ Snacks, Drinks & Poster discussion Posters are displayed until Friday afternoon International Symposium „Inflammation, Degeneration and Regeneration -from Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Manifestations“ 30.11. - 01.12. 2006, Magdeburg, Hotel „Ratswaage“ 39104 Magdeburg, Ratswaageplatz 1- 4 Friday, 01.12.2006 8.30 to 10.30Morning session Session 2: Disease processes and model systems Chairs: M. Naumann, B. Schraven 8.30 to 9.00M.L. Schmitz (Giessen) „Mechanisms of the DNA-damage induced p53 response“ 9.00 to 9.30B. Kenny (Newcastle, UK) „Enteropathogenic E. coli inhibition of antimicrobial and inflammatory responses in a small intestinal model system“ 9.30 to 10.00T. Pap (Münster) „Modulation of fibroblast activation in destructive inflammatory arthritis - getting from bench to beside“ 10.00 to 10.30L. Minghetti (Rom, Italy) „Microglial activation as a model for brain inflammation“ Lectures: time includes 5 min discussion 10.30 to 12.00Guided poster tour - Section 1 Chairs: H. K. Müller-Hermelink, C.-W. Wallesch and coffee

2 Magdeburger Forschungsverbund „Neurowissenschaften“ & „Immunologie und Molekulare Medizin der Entzündung“ Friday, 01.12.2006 16.00 to 18.30Evening sessions Session 4: Neurodegenerative diseases and immunology Chairs: B. Bogerts, V. Höllt 16.00 to 16.30I. Klyubin (Dublin, Ireland) „Alzheimer´s disease disrupted synaptic plasticity by amyloid ß-protein“ 16.30 to 17.00M. Rothermundt (Münster) „Immune pathology in schizophrenia: The role of glial cells“ 17.00 to 17.30B. Sperner-Unterweger (Innsbruck, Austria) „Depression and immunology“ Session 5:Neurodegeneration and Neuroregeneration Chairs: V. Höllt, O. Ullrich 17.30 to 18.00A. Storch (Dresden) „Mesencephalic neural stem cells in regenerative approaches in Parkinson´s Disease“ 18.00 to 18.30J. Schulz (Göttingen) „Mechanisms of neuronal death and inflammation in models of Parkinson´s Disease“ lectures: time includes 5 min discussion 18.30 End of symposium and concluding remarks 19.30 Reception for invited speakers by Dean and Faculty International Symposium „Inflammation, Degeneration and Regeneration -from Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Manifestations“ 30.11. - 01.12. 2006, Magdeburg, Hotel „Ratswaage“ 39104 Magdeburg, Ratswaageplatz 1- 4 Friday, 01.12.2006 12.00 to 13.00Lunch 13.00 to 14.00Afternoon session Session 3: General aspects of immunology Chairs: W. König, P. Malfertheiner 13.00 to 13.30R. Pabst (Hannover) „ Is the „common mucosal immune system“ really common? Comparison of structure and immune functions in intestine and lung in different species“ 13.30 to 14.00I. Bechmann (Frankfurt) „What is immune privilege (not) ?“ lectures: time includes 5 min discussion 14.00 to 14.30Coffee break 14.30 to 16.00Guided poster tour - Section 2 Chairs: M. Röllinghoff, B. Bonnekoh 15.45 to 16.00 Poster dismounting Web-page:

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