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Welcome to Chemistry 2013 A2 Chemistry results: 100% A*-E 84% A*-C 33% A*-A.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Chemistry 2013 A2 Chemistry results: 100% A*-E 84% A*-C 33% A*-A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Chemistry 2013 A2 Chemistry results: 100% A*-E 84% A*-C 33% A*-A

2 Presentation Overview Why choose Chemistry? A-level Chemistry course details Course requirements Time for Questions

3 Chemists are people who are… inquisitive creative, persistent, interested in solving problems, able to: - think independently, - work well with details, - observe, - follow logical paths of reasoning,

4 Careers in Chemistry

5 Chemistry is essential for… Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy Veterinary Science Chemical Engineering, Colour Chemistry, Chemical Physics Botany, Soil Science, Horticulture, Zoology, Marine Biology Biochemistry, Agriculture, Microbiology,

6 Chemistry is strongly recommended for... Bacteriology, Nursing, Environmental Health, Optometry Nutrition, Genetics, Physiology Physiotherapy Forensic science Food Science Material and Polymer Science, Technology, Metallurgy, Materials Engineering

7 Chemistry is very useful for... Engineering: Aeronautical, Electronics, Agricultural, Instrumental, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining Archaeology, Geography, Oceanography, Ecology, Safety & Health, Forestry, Surveying Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Geophysics,

8 A numerate subject such as CHEMISTRY is useful for… Accountancy/Business Architecture Law

9 Chemistry at High Storrs Continuity from GCSE specifications Significant coursework element (20%) User friendly website (

10 A-level courses will be changing......but not until September 2015 Your year group will be the last year to go through the current A-level Chemistry course.

11 Topics studied: AS – unit 1 -Atomic structure e.g. relative atomic mass, electronic structure, mass spectrometer -Bonding and periodicity e.g. ionic, covalent and metallic bonding, trends in the periodic table, dative covalent bonding, shapes of molecules -Amounts of substance e.g. molecular formula, empirical formula, reacting mass calculations, percentage yield calculations -Organic chemistry e.g. naming molecules, isomerism, fractional distillation, cracking, environmental chemistry Chemistry at High Storrs

12 Topics studied: AS – unit 2 -Reaction kinetics and equilibria e.g. collision theory, rates of reaction, factors affecting equilibria -Further organic chemistry e.g. alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, haloalkanes, -Chemical testing and reactions e.g. group VII halogens, group II alkaline earth metals -Metal extraction e.g. blast furnace, reduction, electrolysis, economic factors -Analytical techniques e.g. further mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy Chemistry at High Storrs

13 Topics studied: A2 -Further reaction kinetics and equilibria -Acids and bases -Further structure determination -Organic synthesis -Aromatic compounds -Amines -Enthalpy and entropy -Transition metal complexes Chemistry at High Storrs

14 Course structure: AS Course Structure: Unit 1- Foundation Chemistry (33 1/3 %) ( 1 ¼ hr exam- May/June ) Unit 2- Chemistry in Action (46 2/3 %) ( 1 ¾ hr exam- May/June ) Unit 3- Externally Marked Practical Assignment (EMPA) (20%) (two assessed practical tasks & internal exam - March/April ) A2 Course Structure: 50% of grade taken from AS modules Remaining 50%: Unit 4- Kinetics, equilibria & organic (20 %) ( 1 ¾ hr exam- May/June ) Unit 5- Energetics, redox & inorganic (20 %) ( 1 ¾ hr exam- May/June ) Unit 6- Externally Marked Practical Assignment (EMPA) (10%) (two assessed practical tasks & internal exam - March/April )

15 UMS marks GradeMAXA*ABCDE AS UMS MARKS 300n/a240210180150120 A2 UMS MARKS 600480 **** 480420360300240 %100**** 90 at A2 8070605040

16 To study Chemistry at High Storrs you need... 1.Either a grade B in Y11 GCSE additional or further additional science or a grade B in GCSE Chemistry 2.Grade B in GCSE mathematics

17 Chemistry is… Practical Interesting Engaging A way of developing a whole range of skills For more info: Click on ‘Qualifications’. Then click on ‘A levels’ Please take a handout; e-mail addresses of the Chemistry teaching staff at High can be found on here should you wish to contact us for further information Don’t turn your back on Chemistry!

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